Let me finish. I want to say this for the record. I think there's no question that gay and lesbian couples should be treated absolutely no differently from heterosexual couples when it comes to immigration matters, and that in the end there should not be any discrimination. Any policies in violation of that would need to be brought up to line and should reflect that. So I think, in principle, we agree that those marriages should not be treated any differently in any respect.
Having said that, there is no question that the department would need to instruct people in the field regarding the policy. They would have to rework that and it would take some time. I should also say that we're accepting all the “whereas” clauses in terms of the various countries that recognize marriages, but we haven't had anybody from the department come before us and indicate what the policy is, what need there is for change, and how it might be changed to reflect it.
Let me raise something for Mr. Siksay. For instance, the way the motion now reads, you would “recognize legal marriages of gay and lesbian couples performed in jurisdictions outside Canada for purposes of immigration in exactly the same way as the legal marriages of heterosexual couples are recognized”--and, I would like to say, provided they are also legally recognizable in Canada, because some jurisdictions recognize marriages that are not recognized in Canada, whether they be polygamous relationships or inter-family relationships.
I think we ought to hear about the issues and determine whether there is a better motion that can be put forward, provided the principle is that heterosexual couples and gay and lesbian couples, or same-sex couples, should not be treated any differently in any respect. We need to come up with a policy that actually makes some sense, and there's no rush on it.
I think we can reaffirm in principle that that's so. I would perhaps ask that this motion be tabled until we get back, and that there be some movement on the department's part and on the minister's part to come back with a proper policy for this committee to consider for approval, as opposed to just passing the motion as it now is. If we're intending to do that, if we want to deal with it today, I would move a friendly amendment to this one. But I would first ask that we just delay this to get the minister and the department to come back to us as to what they have done with respect to ensuring that principle is respected, that the heterosexual and the same-sex marriages are treated the same.
The other thing I might say is there are some cases in process and some cases perhaps in appeal that the department would have to review in light of whatever decision we make, and it would take some time.
So I'm saying that in principle, I don't think you'll find any argument from this side of the table with what you're saying, but let's be rationale and logical about it and give it some time to happen, because there are cases in process. There are cases probably in some areas of litigation--I don't know that. But at least the department should appear before us and respond or come back with the principle that's acceptable.
Thank you.