In any case, it is my turn. I will change the subject, but it will not make much of a difference.
I will take advantage of the fact that we have two lawyers with us. I have a more technical question about the bill and its interpretation, and it deals specifically with the right to counsel, for a claimant, at every stage in the refugee claim process.
At section 8 of the bill, section 91 of the act would be amended to give the minister the power to make regulations governing who may or may not represent, advise or consult with a person who is the subject of a proceeding or application before the minister, an officer or the board. The bill states: “...including an interview before an official referred to in subsection 100(4.1)”. In other words, it says specifically that the minister will have the power to determine which claimant has a right to be represented or advised by a lawyer during the interview.
Further in the bill, at section 23, subsection 167(1) of the act would be amended to read: “A person who is the subject of Board proceedings and the minister may, at their own expense, be represented by legal or other counsel.” I am concerned that this provision does not indicate that this also applies to the interview with the officials referred to in subsection 100(4).
That is the technical aspect. My conclusion is that this provision appears to be vague. So, during the interview, does the bill guarantee that a claimant can be represented by a lawyer, or will that depend on the minister's authorization by way of regulation? My question is for both lawyers, but the other witnesses can also respond if they wish. Do you interpret this provision the same way I do, or am I mistaken? If you support my view, does that concern you? If so, should the bill not specifically say that a lawyer can advise a claimant at every stage, including during the interview?