Well, it's not always easy when somebody's....
Also, when you look at where we have gone, in terms of funding—if I could just conclude this aspect, Mr. Chair—we have moved from $111 million in 2005-06 in Ontario to well over $400 million. So to suggest that there is not concern or focus on delivering service to the folks who come to this country and become permanent residents in the province of Ontario is not only unfounded, it's actually absurd and untrue.
When you look at the efforts that have been put forward--and I'm speaking now not just to the issue of immigration, but across government--we have a responsibility, as a government, to make sure that we have solid programs, that we have financial accountability, that we have measured outcomes, that we're able to be responsive to the local needs of communities that these organizations are serving, and that their performance, on an ongoing basis, is one that meets those criteria. Those criteria were set out or determined 10 years ago, when the Auditor General came in and did a review.
We have a responsibility, I think, to respond to the recommendations of the Auditor General--which this government has done--but, to a greater extent, we have a responsibility to the taxpayers of this country, in particular in the province of Ontario, because obviously that's what these hearings are focused on, to actually make sure that every dollar spent is a dollar well spent, not just to help immigrants and refugees who come to this country, but to ensure, from an overall perspective, that Canadian residents, Canadian citizens, are seeing their tax dollars spent in a wise and fruitful way.
And the point's been made here, Mr. Chair, about Toronto. Toronto is going to receive approximately 92% of its funding. There's been an 8% reduction in funding in the City of Toronto. York Region--which the last time I checked is in Ontario, right next door to Toronto--is getting an increase of 30%. Why is that? It's not because immigrants are landing in York Region, but because they are settling in York Region. This is true for the city of London. This is true for Alberta, for Manitoba, for Saskatchewan, for Newfoundland, for P.E.I., for New Brunswick, and for Quebec. What we are seeing is a change whereby our immigrants, who are potential Canadians, permanent residents, are coming and they're staying.
We have provinces across this country, Mr. Chair, that have had increased, on a per capita basis, their share of the provincial nominees for which it is their decision to make. If you look at where those numbers were in 2004-05 and you look at where they are in 2009-10, I can tell you the distribution is on a much fairer basis than it was previously.
Now does that mean we've established that we're not going to fund the province of Ontario? I think if you look over the past five years, you can see very clearly that this government has implemented a strategy in which some of these organizations in the province of Ontario have seen their funding doubled, tripled, or quadrupled in the last five years. Why? Because they are delivering outstanding service, because they are serving a higher clientele base, and because there was a lack of funding or a lack of delivery of service prior to 2005-06.