Yes, Ms. Groguhé continues to repeat and repeat the arguments she made, almost word for word. Here's what she said last week.
Of course, Madam Chair, the expansion of this bill greatly concerned us because in fact it will cause a radical change to the original bill. As we have already mentioned, this original bill deserves to be reviewed, corrected, and [we could] obviously fix some limitations with regard to its content. We started to work for several committee sessions in order to eventually develop amendments.
It's exactly the same argument she's making now. I don't know whether she has the same speech, but she's certainly making the same points that she made last week. Every five minutes, or three or two or one, I'm going to jump in now, because for eight and a half hours to nine and a half hours she made this speech. I congratulate her for the amount of time she spent in giving that speech, because it's not an easy thing to do to speak that long, and she did a great job. No two ways about it. But the fact is, she's already made her argument, and I don't think it's fair to everyone sitting here to have to listen to that argument once more.