I've actually looked this up in the rules and I will point it out to you, if you require it. It is a rule in the House of Commons that gentlemen are required to wear jackets, and if they don't wear jackets, they will not be recognized by the chair. There is no similar rule for women. So, Ms. James, that's something that you can work on, that women do not have the same rule as gentlemen. The ladies should be dressed appropriately. There is a definition of what gentlemen should be required to wear but there's no corollary requirement for women.
Therefore, I'm not going to make a ruling about that. Obviously, women should be appropriately dressed when they appear in the House of Commons. They're representing Canada. When women are in the House, in a committee, whether it's a standing, legislative, or whatever committee, they should be appropriately dressed as well, but there is no similar rule that I can enforce that exists.
So I would strongly recommend, if you feel strongly about that, that you pursue it with the appropriate authorities, to require similar rules for women.
Ms. Sims, you have the floor.