Is there a motion by any of the members to move back in camera? Not willing? You want to stay in public? Okay, we'll deal with this in public.
Does everyone have a copy?
There are two recommendations that have come forward from the subcommittee. The first one is that the study on housing consist of the plan and the briefings by department officials, and that the briefings take the form of a status report focusing on progress made to date and relevant future plans.
Just to expand a little bit on that recommendation, the subcommittee feels that there is sufficient information with regard to housing, much of which was included in the briefing that was circulated on aboriginal housing. The committee decided that it would be best to hear what the department's progress on housing is, and then possibly have another witness, but not to begin a full study on housing.
Do any committee members want to comment on that?
Madame Crowder.