First of all, I would like to say that the average tariff faced by a Canadian export into India is something in the range of 9%, but on manufactured goods, that's in the range of 5% to 10%, and in agricultural goods the average is 30%. That's an average. Some tariffs are very significantly higher.
We would expect in these negotiations to dramatically reduce those tariffs, and I mean something like 90% of tariffs, say, either going to 0% or at least having a significant reduction. That would be a reasonable target. Typically, and particularly in a negotiation with a developing country, one would see an implementation period being provided, a transition period, that would likely be longer for the developing country than the developed. That would be a standard kind of arrangement in a negotiation between a developed and developing country. That gives you some idea of the parameters.
Now, I should point out that India is sensitive in agriculture. That's why the tariffs are higher. And they're sensitive in agriculture for a number of sensible reason. Fifty-two per cent of the workforce in India still relies on agriculture. In Canada, which is perhaps the fourth- or fifth-largest exporter of agricultural products in the world, it's 2%.
So that's an awful lot of people. That used to be much higher in India. The transition to the cities and to manufacturing jobs and services jobs is happening, but it has to be managed, so they are very sensitive. These are also poor farmers. This is not farming in the the way a Canadian thinks about farming. This is subsistence farming, in very large measure, so they're extremely sensitive to price fluctuations, to market prices, and to the cost of inputs. India has to manage their agricultural trade very carefully.