Thank you. You answered my question.
However, the victims of the family of the perpetrator are one group. There are tons of victims out there who aren't related to that perpetrator, and I didn't hear about any of those conversations. In other words, the victims of crime are really supporting this legislation. The public at large is supporting this kind of legislation. Taxpayers, the regular people out there who pay the bill, will tell you—as a politician who talks to everybody—we'll pay the bills to build more prisons, if we need them; we want this taken care of. We applaud the probation....
I've been here 13 years and I've been working hard on crimes against children. I am pleased to hear the emphasis that's put on that by this group, by the police officers, and by the enforcers of these laws. I think the public is sick and tired of reading about these types of individuals getting house arrest. I find it amazing that there's such a difference in the expression of conditional sentence, of confinement and harshness, from you fellows. Yet I heard they have access to TVs, they have nice showers, they get a warm bed, and they come and go basically as they please. I see a big difference in the opinion on house arrest, which is basically what a conditional sentence is. I don't know why that is, but you may want to answer or comment.
I would like to throw one more question out. Ms. Saulis, you made a good point on root causes. Nobody could disagree with that. I can assure you that all of us here believe in conditional sentencing, that there's a better way than jail in a lot of cases. There's no doubt about that. We believe that.
But in my years, when I went across the country for the leader of our party at the time, I spent time with grassroots natives from coast to coast and visited with the coalition of accountability, basically run by aboriginal women. The thing I heard more and more in regard to sections like 718, I believe it was, was, why is the justice system treating us like second-class citizens? Why aren't harsher penalties given to those who offend us who are usually of native race? Why are they given special attention?
You see, there are so many questions out there from people we don't hear from—from the guys and gals and women and men who are the victims of these crimes.
Mr. Bloos, I understand the family problem. That's a sad situation, there's no doubt about it.
But we're hearing these things over and over again. They're saying, okay, we want the root causes addressed, we want the possibility of rehabilitation—we want all that. But you people on the justice committee, you're coming up with a law that isn't going to deal with root causes, and so on. But what do you do with those who cross that line? I would strongly suggest that in the public eye, Bill C-9 is a very good direction to go.