Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The Canadian Council of Criminal Defence Lawyers was formed in November 1992 to represent the voice of the criminal defence bar across Canada on issues of national importance. We have representatives on our board of directors from every province and territory. I'm the immediate past chair of the Canadian Council. I've also been going to the Uniform Law Conference with the federal Department of Justice as part of its delegation when we look at changes to the Criminal Code each year.
I was asked to come today because I could bring a perspective from the west. I practise in Alberta, but before practising there I was with the Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission for 12 years, where I had a large aboriginal caseload. I now just do appellate work. A good portion of my work concerns appeals on conditional sentences. I work in Alberta, British Columbia, and Nunavut. I have a perspective from Nunavut, because Nunavut, as we've just heard, is very concerned about this legislation--the defence bar, I suspect the crowns, and judges I've talked to.
I've been doing defence work for thirty years, so I have some experience in this area. The Canadian Council of Criminal Defence Lawyers is opposed to Bill C-9. In our view, the wheel isn't broken, so why are we trying to fix it? We have difficulty understanding where the hard evidence is that indicates there's a problem. We know about the individual cases that have been raised, and we don't disagree. Bad decisions are made, and that will happen every day because we have a human justice system. I've spoken to judges across the west, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the north. I've spoken to defence counsel, I've spoken to crowns, and I've spoken to one probation officer. I don't think the probation officer I spoke to in Edmonton shares the view of the Ontario probation department.
Here are the main themes. I bring about ten points to you from the various individuals I have spoken to. The concern we have and that I bring today is that there will be a great increase in the costs associated with building more prisons, housing more prisoners, and the associated legal proceedings if Bill C-9 passes. We heard earlier that last year in Nunavut there were something like 250 conditional sentences, I believe, as opposed to 180 jail sentences. There is only one jail facility in Iqaluit and it was built to hold 44; it has 64 beds, and there are now 85 inmates. If the CSOs are unavailable, inmates will have to go to Ontario, the Northwest Territories, and possibly to Quebec facilities.
The other difficulty for Nunavut is the number of small communities. I'm not sure how many circuit points there are--five, six, or seven--that the court travels to. If individuals are sent to jail from that circuit point they are sent 1,000 to 1,500 kilometres away from home, in some cases. They are cut off from contact with their families and their support.
The native or Inuit communities in the north by and large embrace the restorative justice model. It is difficult to get a CSO, a conditional sentencing order, there. Defence counsel has to present a plan in advance. There has to be a responsible guilty plea. There has to be an agreement on the part of offenders to work with the elders, take appropriate counselling, and exist within the community.
House arrest is enforced, so they don't get to go out on the land with the rest of the community, which is a very important tradition in the north. That is a very painful experience for the individual. In the small communities everybody is aware who is on a CSO. Any breaches come to the attention of the authorities very quickly. The breaches are brought to the attention of the court. If there's not a good reason, the sentence is collapsed, and the community supports that because they see individuals as having been given the opportunity. If they don't want to take it, then they're removed. Predators are not given CSOs.
If an individual is simply bad news in the community, that is generally known to the sentencing court--there aren't any favourable reports--and the person is not available for a CSO order. Those concerns are reflected by the judges I've spoken to in Alberta who are working on reserves. In small communities, CSOs have a place. There is rehabilitation, education, treatment potential and availability, and the community is aware of the individual, so any breaches get reported. And of course from the aboriginal and the Inuit perspective, when the individual is serving their sentence in the community, they're confronted with the shame of their wrongdoing. Through that we get a rehabilitative, a remorseful, a cathartic effect as they reintegrate.
There is concern brought about the Crown being able to choose whether a CSO is available or not, simply by deciding to proceed by indictment, thus taking away the option of a conditional sentence in some cases. The concern is there will be a disproportionate effect on aboriginal people and people in the north. Some persons have mentioned to me that in close cases the inclination on the trial court, on the sentencing judge, will be to sentence down rather than up. If it's a question of whether or not the person ought to go to jail, it being a human system--judges are human, they hear that human story--the inclination may be to sentence down rather than up, and not necessarily make available the treatment that's necessary.
CSOs are seen to be better for educating and certainly much better in terms of rehabilitation purposes. Recidivism rates, it's generally felt, are lower with a CSO than with jail.
There is a serious concern that there has been a lack of consultation by the government with the relevant groups, such as judges, defence counsel, crown counsel, women's groups, aboriginals, and others.
Conditional sentences also have the benefit of avoiding having youthful first-time offenders or first-time offenders go to jail where they can learn a better trade. They can learn how to hot-wire a car, how to properly break into a house, how to cover their tracks. They can learn all of those things in jail. They won't be learning those things if they're at home.
It is my respectful submission to you that appellate courts in this country are doing their jobs. On the opposite side of defence counsel who are requesting a conditional sentence sit crown counsel, and if a mistake is made, crown counsel can recommend an appeal. These matters go up to the appellate courts. This is one area where I disagree with Professor Paciocco. I think appellate courts are doing an excellent job. In the west--and I can speak of Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut--the appellate courts are not easy on conditional sentences. You have to earn the right. And if they've been given out improperly, the court wastes no time in reversing that sentence and sending the individual to jail. I can speak from personal experience on that.
My submission is that trial judges are exercising their discretion properly. They're doing it effectively. They're considering the myriad of circumstances that they have before them, such as the aggravating, the mitigating circumstances, the impropriety of the individual--should they have known better or not?--and then they're imposing a sentence that is appropriate to the circumstances. I've seen conditions on conditional sentences that limit who can go to the individual's house to visit. I've had people who have been given a conditional sentence who live in an apartment and have called me up to appeal. They would like to do it on straight time because it simply became too difficult. A conditional sentence is a prison of the mind. You know you can't go out of your house. You know you are limited. You know you can only go to work and come home right after; you can't attend birthday parties; you can't go out with your friends. You're going to get checked on. They can come at any time and ask you for a urine sample or what have you, if that's a condition. So they're not easy to obtain, and in my respectful submission, for the people who are serving them, they're not an easy sentence.
Bill C-9 fundamentally will shift the law and it will put more people in jail, which we regard as a regressive step. We've made great progress.
Initially there was difficulty in 1996-97 in sorting out how they should be imposed. With the Supreme Court decision in Proulx, a lot of that confusion was taken away. Four or five years after Proulx, I believe we now have a good sentencing regime in Canada. In the west there are clear appellate cases that set the guidelines.
In our remaining time, I'm going to turn the matter to Mr. Rady, who comes from Ontario and can speak to the Ontario experience.