Ms. McAuley, I have a lot of respect for Statistics Canada. But before legislation is amended, I really like to know how it is applied. I find that the studies you conduct are very useful, but when I get them and have to read them while you are talking, it is quite difficult for me to form ideas.
In the future, would it be possible for you to send us these statistics a few days ahead of time so that we can then ask you meaningful questions? I say this because I feel that these are very important matters.
Michel de Montaigne said that laws should be touched only with a quivering hand. When we touch them, I prefer that we do so, not because of partisan politics, but to solve a genuine problem. I think that the statistical aspect is one we must consider.
That said, it is relatively simple in this case. I have looked at the statistics that you have given us and I would like to know if I would be wrong to say that most motor vehicle thefts are committed by minors.