Absolutely. I am sorry. My legal side got carried away. I will wear my criminologist hat now.
I will tell you about what I know best because I have seen it on a daily basis and I have met with them, in other words street gangs. For a long time, they have been recruiting young girls. Today, street gangs are not only recruiters, they are high-level pimps. In other words, they transfer young girls from one area to another. For instance, there are groups in Niagara. I am referring specifically to that area because they have close links with Montreal-based groups.
Recruiting usually starts with seduction. At first, men will seduce the young girls. Make no mistake; this does not mean these young girls are necessarily poor, there are also middle class girls who end up ensnared by these guys.
At first, a young girl may believe she loves this man and that he is her boyfriend. So, there is deceit and manipulation. He will have her experience all sorts of things. He will take her out and buy her gifts. However, at some point, he starts telling her that she has to pay off the debt.
A great deal of disinhibition occurs. Young girls are sent to parties and, I am sorry, but I will be using crude terms, they are brought there so that they will sleep with everyone and take part in orgies. The men start to do this type of thing and when the girls start saying no, that is when they take these girls by force and stick them in apartments. They do not even know where they are and groups of men rape them. This is what they call a gangbang. Sometimes they will be raped by 15 guys in a row.
We heard testimony from a victim who said 40 guys had raped her in the course of one evening. She could not remember when it started or when it ended. This case is currently before the courts.
Afterwards, the young girls are completely isolated. Their families are threatened, their little brothers or little sisters. They are told that they will not be getting it but their little brother or their little sister may. They absolutely terrorize these young girls. They take away all of their ID. The only thing these girls will be allowed to do is put on makeup. They will be given clothes and have to deal with 10, 20 or 30 johns per day.