That's completely in my wheelhouse to speak about.
Yes, COVID really brought the issue of staffing to the forefront, which I for one am very thankful for. The issue of short-staffing in long-term care facilities has been going back at least two decades slowly, and it has just been getting worse.
What we're seeing now in long-term care facilities, especially through COVID, is number one, the personal support workers are the ones who do the bulk of the work. What I mean by bulk is the bulk of the physical work. We're the ones who perform all their personal care. We help them with their mobility. We help feed them, dress them, toilet them, shower them. We are their main communication throughout the day.
Of course, the nurses are just as important, and we work as a very solid team in that environment, but what you have are two personal support workers, let's say, to a floor of 28 residents all with varying degrees of mental and physical issues. Some might take five minutes to help get ready, and some take 30 minutes to help get ready. Nurses have up to 60 to 80, if not more, people to distribute medications to in one shift.
It's a really impossible situation in long-term care facilities, and until there's an actual standard, maybe even a standard of a ratio, for long-term care facilities.... That's what we would hope to see come down from the federal government, a set ratio in long-term care. So there would be x number of residents per PSW in long-term care homes, and the same with x number of residents per nurse in long-term care homes.
Here in Ontario I sit on a long-term care champion table in regard to the long-term care staffing crisis we have been having, and the conversations are all around staffing and ratio issues.