No worries.
My comments this morning are drawn from the results of the project regarding youth perspectives on MAID and MAID for mature minors. Please note that neither I nor the participants in the study live with life-limiting illnesses and that we are from an otherwise general population.
Some pertinent results of the study include the following.
Young people are capable of understanding, articulating and empathising with elements of MAID. They're capable and keen to reflect on high-stakes matters and to contribute towards difficult decisions that may affect them.
Participants in our study expressed aspirations and concerns about how MAID should be implemented. They demonstrated a capacity and a willingness to explore and navigate, imagine and understand multiple dimensions of MAID. They demonstrated a marked sense of responsibility for others, expressing concerns for the bereaved and considerations for the interactions and the relationships between different stakeholders at the end of life.
They articulated clear understandings of what they felt might be at stake. They understood and expressed how each MAID case is nuanced, recognizing that all individuals are unique, with different values and motivations for MAID.
They explored their understandings of what they thought “maturity” meant in the context of MAID for mature minors and how maturity may or may not be relevant in extending MAID legislation to minors.
Further, they demonstrated an interest and desire to articulate the perspectives, and they seemed frustrated with their lack of opportunities to do so. They were aware that adults can exclude young people because they underestimate their abilities to contribute towards high-stakes decisions such as MAID and end-of-life issues generally. They spoke against this exclusion.
In conclusion, young people want to be meaningfully engaged with difficult conversations about MAID, and they're capable of doing so. I imagine that this is also the case for young people with life-limiting conditions, who may be eligible for MAID if it's extended to include mature minors.
The participants in our study genuinely appreciated the opportunity to speak on a matter they felt was important and in which they felt they had a stake yet never had an opportunity to discuss.
I'm extremely grateful that I was invited to testify as a witness today. I hope that there are more opportunities for other young people to provide their perspectives on this matter, particularly those who are minors, those with life-limiting illnesses, those who could be eligible for MAID, and other vulnerablized young people. Finding out what's important to these young people regarding MAID and end of life can help inform and ensure that future policies align with the interests of the people whom they are meant to serve.
Thank you.