Thank you very much. My name is Byng Giraud. I'm with Woodfibre LNG. We are a relatively small LNG facility to be built about seven kilometres south of Squamish in the Howe Sound region. For those of you unfamiliar with the area that's approximately 50 kilometres north of Vancouver. We call ourselves relatively small as we will be exporting 2.1 million tonnes per annum. By comparison that's about one-ninth, or one-tenth, of what might come out of LNG Canada, the Shell project in Kitimat, or Pacific NorthWest in Prince Rupert.
This equals about 36 to 40 ships per year, or one every 10 days. We ship through Howe Sound and then we enter the waters of the Port of Vancouver where we join in some 14,000 ship movements per year. We're owned by a company that's based in Singapore and Hong Kong, Pacific Oil & Gas. We're part of an international group also based out of Singapore called RGE. We're coming from downstream; as opposed to going upstream, assets are coming from downstream looking for products. Related to that is a key asset that we own, which is in partnership with PetroChina and the province in China, an import facility in Rudong near Shanghai.
Our LNG facility is somewhat different—and I think this relates to what this committee is trying to achieve in terms of innovation—from a lot of LNG facilities being built, and it's important to point out those differences. The fist is we have chosen to run this facility on electric drives. This is not an economic decision this is a social licence decision. By choosing electric drives as opposed to gas drives, something we are capable of doing because of the infrastructure in the area, we will be reducing GHGs by approximately 80%. This makes Woodfibre LNG possibly one of the cleanest LNG facilities in the world, and if you look in the presentation I provided there's a quote from Merran Smith of Clean Energy Canada, an NGO, from May 2014 that says that by doing this we may be the gold standard.
The other exception about Woodfibre LNG is our work with first nations. We entered voluntarily into an environmental assessment, possibly the first of its kind in Canada, conducted by, managed by, and with decisions made by the Squamish First Nation. It was a multi-year process. It was a process we entered voluntarily. It was a process that had risk for both parties, but ultimately resulted in a decision that resulted in an environmental certificate from Squamish Nation with conditions that will allow this project to proceed, again, should we meet those conditions. This is possibly the first of its kind in Canada.
There are a few other issues. Obviously we are a brownfield industrial site with existing infrastructure. I won't go through the details, but we have existing powerlines, existing pipelines, passing through site, and it's a historic deepwater port primarily making this a place where you can build a facility with less environmental impact.
I think what I really want to talk about today is our environmental reviews. Again, we have three environmental approvals. We have Squamish Nation's environmental approval certificate with conditions, which we received in early October of last year. We received the provincial government's environmental assessment certificate with its conditions also in October of last year, and with a little more of a delay, because there was an election I understand, we received a federal approval from the minister in March of this year.
I'm going to talk a little bit about Squamish Nation because I think that's what's relevant here in terms of innovation. We are located in the traditional territory of Squamish Nation on a former village site called Swiy'a'at and we voluntarily entered this new environmental assessment process. This process was new for Squamish Nation, was new for us, and probably incorporates a greater degree of decision-making by a first nation than most projects are perhaps even willing to contemplate. It was a closer view of our process and it resulted in the certificate I mentioned.
The next slide provides some of those conditions just to give you a flavour. It's recognizing some of the cultural elements of that site, providing access to Squamish Nation members, involving Squamish Nation in the co-management of many of our environmental plans, preventing certain activities that they objected to, no bulk fuelling in traditional territory. They have a direct say on some of our technology choices. We've created green zones around creeks that pass through the site, and we very much reached an economic agreement. These aren't just promises. We are contractually vowed to our agreement with Squamish Nation to fulfill these conditions, again making this something of a unique process.
This is related to the approach we've taken to first nations. I'm sure you can get a lot of legal experts and experts in this field to give you more detail on past court cases and why things need to be done this way, but we've just taken this philosophical approach. It's clear that first nations have rights above and beyond what's traditionally been applied to major projects. We all know first nations have the ability to help or hinder projects, and they are developing greater confidence in doing so. Business doesn't make the rules. The rules are set by regulators—federal governments, provincial governments, and in this case Squamish Nation, but we live in the environment that results from the consensus or conflicts that these rules make. By trying to reach consensus with the Squamish Nation, we think we've taken that additional step.
I won't really go through the next two slides. They simply summarize the provincial and federal approvals, and the conditions that have been placed upon us. All they do is reiterate that we have three different sets of environmental certificatesand a significant number of conditions, making this perhaps a unique project in terms of its oversight.
At the end, I've put the challenge of approval, and I think this is what we need to discuss. If we're talking about innovation, it's not simply innovation of technology. As somebody who has worked in the natural resource sector my entire life, in gas or mining or forestry, I believe what really needs to be innovated is the trust issue. We've adopted sort of a Jim Cooney approach to things. He's the creator of the term “social licence”. You need agreement with first nations. You need agreement with indigenous peoples. You need to do better at communication. You need to go above and beyond in your approach to regulatory processes. This does not necessarily mean having a referendum or getting consent. You can't simply meet regulatory requirements. Our choice of renewable electric, for example, is a clear example of that.
We live in a situation where we have incredibly detailed requirements when we build these massive complex projects—experts on bats, on herring, on different types of plant species. They spent their entire lives trying to understand these things. At the same time, we have a discourse that allows all citizens to participate and all citizens' voices to be heard equally. This is inherently going to create conflict among the scientists, the experts, the professionals, and the voices of the public, the community, and that's something we're going to have to address. Then, of course, an issue to those of us who build projects is the concern with economic cycles. If you take too long to do these things, then perhaps you lose the opportunity. There must be a process, and there must be a defined process.
I don't fundamentally believe that the environmental assessment processes run by the federal and provincial governments are broken. Perhaps they need some tweaking. There are things that can be improved, obviously. What is broken is trust. The issue of trust is not going to be solved simply by tweaking regulatory processes. We need to build processes that people trust. They will trust them only if decision-makers defend those processes and if the decision-makers advocate for those processes. Right now we have a situation of confrontation, in which companies may view environmental assessments simply as hurdles to overcome and may use people who are against those projects as tools to thwart them. Until there's more sincerity in that process, these things will never be overcome.
I would like to talk more about this, but I've probably exceeded my time. If we're going to get product to market, we need innovation in how we're going to improve processes and create the public trust to allow them to proceed in a timely fashion.
Thank you.