Perhaps I could comment. Thank you very much.
Again, we think there is a tremendous framework in place. Quite frankly, that's one of the reasons we were excited to announce our project last week.
I did make a couple of suggestions in my remarks about some things to keep focused on as you move forward and create additional opportunities. Blue is not better or worse than green; it's about the carbon intensity. Less carbon intensity is better, and I think the program should reflect and focus on that.
I think we definitely want to recognize and reward putting CO2 in the ground, not capital spent to recover CO2. Programs that support CO2 recovery are not necessarily spending capital, but then again, we have a nuance around the outsource model whereby we provide a lot of value to our customers in making sure that this is not negatively impacted by the regulations going forward.
Those would be a couple of suggestions that we would make for things to keep in mind.