As you know, the pandemic has greatly impacted Canadians’ lives. This unprecedented health crisis has exposed several shortcomings related to the respect of our official languages and the capacity to communicate equally in French and English.
These shortcomings didn't only happen recently, but also during several other emergency situations over the last decade.
Last April, I spoke to all the deputy ministers and official languages champions of federal institutions. I reminded them of the importance of meeting their obligations for communicating with the public and with their employees in both official languages at all times. This is essential to protect the health and safety of all Canadians.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, my office has received more than 100 complaints related to the crisis and 84 of them have been found admissible and are currently under investigation.
I also felt it was essential to better understand the problems faced by the public and to make specific recommendations for the federal government to address the gaps in communications with the public.
At the end of October, I published my report entitled “A Matter of Respect and Safety: The Impact of Emergency Situations on Official Languages.”
Some of the most striking examples that I've seen since the start of the pandemic include press conferences in a single official language; disinfectants labelled in a single official language; and briefing materials and alert emails sent to federal officials in a single official language.
My report also mentions unilingual alert messaging incidents that have occurred in previous crises such as amber or weather alerts.
Unfortunately, there are too many examples. One thing is clear: in addition to being a huge lack of respect, these deficiencies are completely unacceptable because they endanger the health and safety of the population in an emergency.
The 2,000 or so respondents to the questionnaire launched by my office last June were clear and precise: during an emergency, relevant information should be systematically provided by our leaders in both official languages, regardless of the level of government.
Some of the testimonies speak for themselves. Here are some examples.
One person expressed concern that measures regarding official bilingualism were quickly being called into question in emergencies. According to this person, whether the issue is labelling on disinfectant bottles or notifications from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or RCMP, regarding dangerous situations, speed takes precedence over accessibility for Canadians in official language minority communities.
Another respondent told us that in a crisis, it was necessary for him to obtain communications in the language of his choice. He told us that in a state of stress, fatigue and crisis, it was quite possible that his capacity to understand a second language was weak, and that he might miss information that put his life at risk.
There will certainly be other emergency situations, but the problems of that witness must not be repeated. In my report, I propose solutions to the federal government to address the recurring problems of communicating with the public in both official languages in emergency situations. I find that in emergency situations, many federal institutions choose to provide a response immediately in only one official language and rely on translation to provide information in the other language. While I understand the need to communicate quickly in an emergency, it should never be at the expense of any of our official languages.
I therefore recommended that the government implement an action plan to facilitate the drafting and simultaneous delivery of emergency communications of equal quality in both official languages. This could include the establishment of an accelerated translation service for emergencies and crisis situations.
Another issue is that communications aren't integrated into the emergency preparedness and crisis management planning of institutions. Timely, clear and factual information isn't routinely provided in both English and French at the same time.
Formal plans and procedures should be amended to include clear directives to ensure that communications of equal quality are issued in both official languages simultaneously in emergency situations.
All managers and public servants involved in emergency or crisis communications should be trained to implement emergency communications plans and guidelines in both official languages.
Canadians expect to receive bilingual communications from their leaders in emergencies. These communications may come from all levels of government.
I therefore recommended that the federal government develop a strategy to encourage and support the various levels of government and to work with them to integrate both official languages into communications in emergency or crisis situations.
I believe that with this report, federal institutions now have the tools to address gaps when it comes to communications in both official languages in emergency situations. I urge them to implement in the coming months the measures I propose in order to make concrete progress in communications in both official languages.