I'm under no illusions, Mr. Wernick. Being the head of this department and managing it is not a slam-dunk by any stretch. There are lots of challenges. In the not too distant future, I would like to see a report from the Auditor General that says we're making real progress on the education file, that shows we're not only meeting expectations but exceeding them. That's an aside from what we're talking about today, but I think it's a report that a lot of Canadians would like to see. We'd be improving long-term living standards of first nations people, and we'd be making progress on this file.
I have a lot of trouble seeing how you can create real wealth without a concept of private property embedded in the system. I'm just wondering, under the agreement that now exists, is there sufficient room to allow for respect for private property rights? I think that's a foundation for economic development. If you have comments, I'd appreciate it. Even the Chinese now recognize that they can't have real economic development without private property rights.