There are a number of answers to that one. The first is that the CAIS program is now being replaced with AgriStability, another margin-based program but with improvements. We heard from the producers that there were areas of this program that needed improvement. For example, if a producer got back-to-back bad years, the program didn't really help. With the changes, we're hoping that it's going to help those producers. So we're improving from the policy perspective.
The department has provided its processes. We are now not only looking to do the checks on the payments that are higher than a certain threshold, but we are also looking at zero payments, and also files that are under that threshold, because we can't really risk not paying a producer the right amount that he or she deserves to run his or her business.
That being said, it is normal, given that it's a margin-based program, that if a producer actually made money, and if you compared their current production-year margin to the average of the previous five years' margin and it was higher, they're not going to get any payment. It's a business risk management tool.