From my understanding, there were times when the number of board positions, even ones you were responsible for, were left open for periods of time, which I find troubling.
I want to now turn to the conflict of interest situation.
When I was on a couple of administrative tribunals or boards, we were given lessons from judges about what conflict of interest was in order to make sure we didn't act in a conflict of interest. As I recall, the test for conflict of interest is not so much whether I'm going to make any money or get any benefit; it's about the public perception of that conflict—what the person on the street would think. If a person is appointed to a role and they already have a company doing that work, what would the person on the street think? It strikes me that in many of these cases, the perception would be that there is definitely a conflict of interest there.
Can you explain how it got past the PCO, you and cabinet without someone saying, “Hey, maybe we should appoint someone who's good at financial markets and things like that, but who doesn't have positions directly related to the fund we're talking about”?