Absolutely, there is discretion. And just to make one point, in all of aviation security, we can't do it by ourselves. The police can't do it by themselves. It is a cooperative venture that involves government, police, the air carriers, and air passengers as well. We're all working together, so there will be some discretion exercised as to valid government ID.
When people get on a plane, we do not want people to look at others and say, “You look funny. I think you're a threat.” We want people to know that, in the view of the Canadian government and all the information that we have, everyone on that plane is valid. That's another way the program could have distinct advantages.
There have been situations where people look at others on the plane and say, “That person looks funny to me.” Well, they may. We can't change that attitude. People are going to have attitudes. What we're saying is that the people who get on the plane, based on the information we have, are validly there, and that should reassure everyone. There's a role for government in assuring and reassuring, and it can affect behaviour both in terms of security but also in people treating each other decently.