So what have we done to reduce the inconvenience? That's very important and very helpful. What we have done is create guidelines, which I have mentioned to you. They are very specific. We have a very narrow, specific focus. What that immediately does, if you just look at the mathematics, is reduce the numbers, and therefore it reduces the chance even of a name match, let alone a mistake. So you reduce that.
We have created a 7/24 operation, on the spot, where you can show some ID, and there's a chance, an opportunity, to exchange not only name, gender, and date of birth but other information--if you happen to have a passport or if you happen to have a home address on a driver's licence--to clarify the matter and settle it right there. So what we have done is focus ourselves; that's one thing, to limit and focus who we're concerned about. Second, we've created an interaction at the time of boarding to clarify matters if your name happens to match.
Going back to my first point, we have to be very careful to distinguish between the issue of name match and delay--which is an inconvenience matter--and denial of boarding. Denial of boarding is much more serious. Denial of boarding, in the case of the Canadian program, would be a decision of the Minister of Transport. It would be taken at that time. There would be an assessment of those reasons at that time based on information received and with regard to the security of everyone on that flight and, more broadly, in the airport and surrounding areas.
So let's keep that distinction very clear in terms of a name match--which is inconvenient, and you work to reduce it and resolve it very quickly--and the actual decision to put someone on the list, which in our case would be along these guidelines. There has to be information behind that to reach that conclusion.