I guess a yes or no answer to that question does not accurately reflect the views of the organization I work with, the Church Council on Justice and Corrections. I believe that we have a societal problem here in terms of how we use prison. We think that the only way a victim experiences justice is through a term of imprisonment. What makes me very sad here tonight is to hear about everything these victims have gone through and there has not been any help for them. The help for them should start from the moment we realize that harm has been done. If we put more money into sentences of imprisonment that are not going to help them, in terms of what they really need, and are not going to prevent a crime, we have less money to give them the real services they need from the very beginning, after what has happened to them. I think that's a priority. I think this government is not putting enough money into services for victims. We know of ways in the community that could much better provide for them, in terms of the stress, in terms of reparation, and in terms of compensation. That is far more important.
There isn't any kind of offence related to what they are talking about for which an automatic penalty of imprisonment is going to be the full answer to what they need. I would really like the conversation. In our churches as well we know that a lot of people, our whole society, culturally, has fallen for this. We need to see the example of the people in the U.S., who are realizing what a mistake it was, and wake up.
You were also talking about judges. Judges are also feeling very much compelled by public opinion that says prison, prison, prison, and that is not giving us what we need. We need much better services for the kinds of things you have been through, and we need them from the very beginning. If we do everything through the adversarial system, we're just going to keep people pitted against each other and not put money into what is most important for us as communities.