Thank you.
I'm going to speak for myself and on behalf of my colleague, Maître Jacinthe Lanctôt. We're from the Association des avocats et avocates en droit carcéral du Québec, which has existed since 1992. We represent the lawyers in Quebec who have specialized prison and parole practices.
The reasons we're opposed to the bill abolishing accelerated parole review are several.
We consider that the accelerated parole review program is one of the most important features of the existing correctional and release regime. It serves several crucial purposes. It distinguishes between violent and non-violent offenders, and this is something that Canadians have always wanted. Despite the amount of harm that non-violent offenders impose, Canadians still are preoccupied with the effect of violent crime, and they don't want the two categories treated equally.
The accelerated parole review regime removes a significant number of relatively non-criminalized, often young individuals from a destructive environment, if the board certifies that they are appropriate cases, and it removes them as early as possible, ideally before they fall in with even worse company. Accelerated parole review serves in many cases to correct the difficulties that are imposed by the needs of persons serving short sentences to build a file for the parole board to review. Accelerated parole review dramatically reduces the cost of the system. You've all seen the studies that put the average cost of incarceration of one individual at more than $93,000 a year. Clearly, supervision in the community is a far cheaper option.
Now we want to bring your attention to the concrete impact that a repeal of accelerated parole review will have on the function of the parole board. The parole board, until about two years ago, was conducting hearings for various matters, such as the imposition of residential conditions on people. It doesn't do it anymore because it doesn't have the time and it doesn't have the resources, so it takes those decisions in file studies. Now, this bill proposes that the resources of the National Parole Board be directed to the most obviously releasable cases, the people who it is perfectly clear to everyone are going to be released. This doesn't apply, obviously, to everyone who's eligible, but in the category of accelerated parole review, there are many individuals who are clearly non-criminalized and who should be removed as early as possible, and that's what the board will do when it finally gets to them. But from now on, it's going to be conducting in-person hearings for these cases where its energies aren't even needed.
Is this good governance? Is this a good use of our resources?
The accelerated parole review is not a gift to people. What it does is it extends the period of supervision of these appropriate candidates--supervision in the community. Supervision in the community is not a failure of the system. It's social reintegration in a structured, managed way. It's in the interest of public security. It gives us hope that these individuals will not be committing new crimes and creating new victims in the future. That has always been the purpose of supervised release, and here we're backing away from it. It makes no sense.
Some members around this table perhaps are not aware of what day parole looks like. There are various forms of day parole. Although the parole board finds itself obliged to release many people through accelerated parole review, it still determines what the day parole is going to look like, and when it deals with many of the accelerated review cases, it imposes community projects that are operated out of closed halfway houses. That means that people are obliged to perform volunteer work, unpaid, at a place supervised by Correctional Service. At the end of their working day, they have to come back to a halfway house. They're not allowed out on the way back. They can't go to a restaurant. They can't go to the bank. They can't go to their home. They can't see their families. They have to go straight back to a closed halfway house, and that's where they spend their evening. These people are not leading a comfortable life. They are supervised. If a person receives 12 years and is released at two years to a halfway house, for the next 10 years that person is supervised. People released on accelerated parole review are subject at every moment to suspension.
I had a client serving a 13-year sentence who was released at one-sixth, thanks to accelerated parole review. He did not respect his responsibilities. He stole one piece of steak from the community program he was working for. He was out one week. He did two-thirds of his sentence. The parole board revoked his release for stealing one steak from his community project and he did two-thirds of the sentence. Everyone is under that pressure and that scrutiny. It is not a good time.
Let's remember that when you lose your accelerated review, you're never eligible for accelerated review again. It's a one-shot deal. I could give you examples of the kinds of clients who have been eligible for accelerated review: relatively naive and innocent people who are sometimes used by organizations. They receive federal sentences despite their lack of priors because the courts insist on general denunciation of certain crimes, especially drug-related crimes.
The courts of appeal have decided that the principles of general denunciation should be given emphasis by the sentencing judges, and people receive huge sentences--although the judges understand that in some cases they're not a risk to the public--for the purpose of denunciation of the crime. These people should be brought out as soon as possible, because they don't threaten the public.
Abolishing accelerated parole review is pointless. This could be dealt with in other ways. Victims who are here tonight have a right to justice. They've been badly used, very badly used, but the kinds of people who have abused them don't need to have an automatic get out of jail free card. All one has to do is fine-tune this bill to remove from the people who are eligible for accelerated review the kinds of criminals who have abused the victims who are here today.
Large-scale fraud artists don't have to be eligible for this program. There is no need to kill the whole program for deserving people in order to target those large-scale fraud artists and other kinds of people that one does not want to see freed. Justice does not mean dealing cruelly and in a counterproductive way with the kinds of people Parliament had in mind when it adopted this program.
The last thing I would like to say is that our association--like lawyers across the country--is firmly opposed to the retroactivity that the bill is proposing. This is shocking. This is scandalous.
People plead guilty when they don't have to based on the law as it exists when they're making their decision. They consult their criminal defence lawyers. They consider what their options are. They see that accelerated parole release exists and it's one-sixth of the sentence. They don't defend themselves in court. They don't want to pay for a long trial. They say, “I'll take my pill”, because there is this accelerated parole review. It's meant for a guy like me who's a non-violent person with no history of violence. But now they discover that they never should have pleaded guilty. Now they discover that, retroactively, this bill is going to take away what the government offered these people. It's shocking. It's probably unconstitutional, and I guess we're going to find out, because there are going to be countless challenges all across the country as people try to convince courts, through testimony maybe from their defence lawyers, that they pleaded guilty specifically in reliance on this law that you've now yanked away.
Whether it is unconstitutional or not, it is improper. Bill C-39 did not want this to be retroactive. Why? Not because the government wanted to do favours to people who were serving sentences, but because the government recognized that it is not right to remove this retroactively. It is not the way Canadians do things. I urge you to kill the retroactivity if you adopt this bill. That is not proper public policy.
Thank you.