Good afternoon. My name is Jocelyn Grondin, and I am the Chief Executive Officer of Urgence Bois-Francs. I am accompanied by Philip Girouard, who is the President of the company and also a paramedic. Urgence Bois-francs is a co-operative.
We will begin with a presentation about Urgence Bois-Francs.
We cover all of the Regional County Municipality of Arthabaska, which means that we are located midway between Quebec City and Montreal. It is a very large rural area of 2,000 km2. To give you an idea of the magnitude of the task, we employ 42 paramedics, operate five ambulances and respond to between 7,000 and 8,000 calls a year. Given that we serve a very large area, the fact that first responders and other people have access to automatic external defibrillators, or AEDs, is very important to our work as paramedics.
I will begin with a statement that may seem a little opportunistic, but this is popular right now. Urgence Bois-Franc also provides training services and sells AEDs so that there are as many as possible in our area. We sell them to municipalities, first responders, seniors' clubs, and so forth.
As I was saying, our area is very large and the response time in the municipalities we serve is more than 10 minutes. I am sure you know that, in the event of cardiac arrest, for every minute that passes the chance of survival decreases by 10%. Generally speaking, we have a 10-minute window to intervene. We are talking about survival, not survival without adverse outcomes. Ideally, in order not to have any adverse outcomes, an AED must be used within four minutes, more or less. Insofar as we are concerned, and given the number of ambulances we have covering the area, it is practically impossible to meet that response time unless the emergency is near the station. If there is an emergency near Victoriaville, we can intervene in two and a half or three minutes. However, if people are 15, 20 or 30 km away, it is not realistic to think that we can intervene fairly quickly.
There are 53 AEDs in the our area. They belong to the municipalities and are located in public places. We estimate that twice that number of AEDs are located on business premises. The area has a good number of AEDs because governments have taken up that responsibility, especially at the municipal level. At the federal level, Alain Rayes ensured that a motion was adopted to have RCMP cars equipped with AEDs. He was very proactive. This did have an impact.
What is interesting is that our results are quite good considering what I was saying. The area is very large, it is a rural area and sometimes certain locations cannot be reached quickly. The Sûreté du Québec, or the SQ, decided to launch a pilot project in 2013 to support paramedic services, because the response times were long, and to improve the survival rate.
Since 2013, the Sûreté du Québec vehicles in RCM Arthabaska have been equipped with automated external defibrillators. The numbers were small to begin with. In 2013, police equipped with AEDs used them four times; in 2014, they used the equipment six times; in 2015, it was four times; in 2016, it was 14 times; in 2017, three times; and in 2018 they have been used five times so far. This may not seem like much, however, since 2013, Sûreté du Québec officers whose vehicles were equipped with an AED used them 36 times.
According to the SQ's statistics, two lives were saved by AEDs. The police consider that they saved those lives. We believe it is the result of team work. When paramedics intervene after the police, we get the credit for saving the person's life. People believe that we saved the person's life. However, in many cases the Quebec police were able to respond quickly and use their good training and a good tool before we were on the scene.
Given the success of this initiative, in 2015 the neighbouring RCM, the RCM of l'Érable, followed our lead. I have the statistics for you: in 2015, there were eight interventions; in 2016, there were four; in 2017, there were eight; in 2018, there have been two so far. AEDs were only used 22 times, but two lives were saved: a 48-year-old woman from Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes and a 57-year-old man from Saint-Norbert-d'Arthabaska, as well as another 48-year-old man.
The fact that the Sûreté du Québec officers have AEDs in their vehicles makes our work as paramedics easier for two reasons. First, even if we know that we will be driving for 15 or 20 minutes when responding to a call, it is encouraging to know that at least someone from the SQ has responded in the meantime. It gives us hope that, when we arrive, the individual will have a better chance of surviving than if only the ambulance was dispatched. As I mentioned, we should also remember that we operate in a rural setting.
We work with first responders a lot. There are three official first responder services in our area.
In 2015, there were 612 interventions carried out by first responders; in 2016, there were 644; in 2017, 681; and in 2018, there have been 490 so far.
We have to remember that many first responder services, such as firefighters and others, have AEDs in their vehicles. I was unable to determine the number of lives saved with AEDs, but lives were definitely saved because of the intervention of first responders before we arrived. In rural areas, we need this assistance because the ambulance service will never be able to respond to all calls.
However, there is still room for improvement. We have been both lucky and unlucky. On April 19, 2018, my assistant stopped at the scene of an accident on the side of the road to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. It was about 25 minutes from the ambulance station. They had to wait for an ambulance. The first responder, in this case the fire department of the municipality where the accident took place, arrived first. My assistant asked the fireman to bring her an AED. Unfortunately, he did not have one and she was very surprised.
The fireman did not intervene. As the fire department does not have an AED, it probably does not provide CPR training. The injured 40-year-old man died. An AED does not perform miracles. We cannot say whether the man would have survived if an AED had been available, but his chances would have been better. My assistant administered CPR, and the AED arrived with the ambulance about 20 minutes later. They arrived 10 to 15 minutes too late. Unfortunately, the man died.
There was another case recently. A man experienced cardiac arrest in Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, a municipality located about 25 minutes from us. Once again, we had to go get the AED in the village. Had the fire department had an AED or if there had been one closer to an emergency service other than an ambulance, things probably would have ended better. Although this man survived, he may end up with health issues that he would not have incurred had a working AED been available.
Therefore, we believe in AEDs. This device is easy to use and it only takes 20 minutes to teach the average person how to use it. It is foolproof and affordable. The best models cost about $1,000 when large quantities are purchased. A lower quality model can be purchased for a few hundred dollars. They are easy to maintain and will last almost forever if you look after them. You only have to check the status indicator. It is a durable device.
We would like to make the following recommendations based on the Sûreté du Québec experience with AEDs.
First, if AEDs are provided, the ambulance services of neighbouring municipalities should be informed. The Sûreté du Québec has an AED model that is not compatible with our monitors. Given that everyone in Quebec has the same monitor, it would have been easy to purchase the same AEDs with the same electrodes. We would have saved time and money because we could have used just one set of electrodes rather than two.
Second, we should opt for a model with a practically unlimited life expectancy. Some models have a limited life expectancy. The model should have only one set of electrodes. At present, some AEDs need a set electrodes for adults and one for children, whereas other models only need one set of electrodes. This could result in cost savings.
Finally, there should be a budget for training and not just for the device. Not much is gained from having the best device in the world if CPR was not performed properly and the person does not know what to do. It is important to have a tool, but we have to know how to use it.