I have a few clarifying questions left, not too many but a few.
I want to address a few of the things that have been said regarding a filibuster. Any suggestion that asking for an hour of questions after what, in its previous iteration, was the largest hunting rifle banning in Canadian history is kind of silly. This is what the committee is for. This was just dropped yesterday, and we're trying to understand what this is. It's very odd.
I know it's not technically a grandfathering clause, but I'm trying to understand the magnitude of this, because the last version of this was extremely serious and impacted the 2.3 million gun owners in this country and caused a country-wide uproar and mobilization of hunters, farmers and sport shooters.
I was thinking about an hour, maybe two or a few more—I don't know—to get perfect clarity on what exactly this means and the impact it's going to have. We're going to make sure that we get that clarity. I'll note that the first meeting we went through before this went forward was relatively short with peaceful orders. My expectation is that most of the amendments, assuming that there are no curve balls that we don't know about yet, will proceed in a very [Technical difficulty—Editor].