That exercise is ongoing right now, so at least in military personnel command, we're looking at all the systemic and institutional frameworks that provide the support to people across the Canadian Forces, with a view to looking at where the strengths are and the gaps at the same time, so that we can reinforce where we are strong and address where we are weak.
We are looking at a number of areas. I can speak to two off the top of my head.
Notwithstanding the great work they are doing for Canadians across this country, when health services are not doing that, they're trying to work on how to rebuild and modernize Canadian Forces health services for the future, which is a monumental task. We know how difficult health care is in this country.
Then I would probably speak to the transition group, which was stood up as an entity in December 2018 to look after our ill and injured, but they are now assuming more and more responsibility for not just ill and injured. Over the next four years they will be taking on the release and the support and transition functions for all members of the Canadian Forces. It's a work in progress.