As Mr. Bevington mentioned, the English definition of “library materials” needs to be revisited. In French, it says “documents de bibliothèque”. It is clear that a “document de bibliothèque” does not refer to a table, a chair or a cat that might be one town's library mascot and that they might want to give to another town. Let's say that the cat is the library mascot for a town in the Charlevoix region that is paired up with a town in British Columbia and that the town in the Charlevoix region decides to give its cat to the library in B.C.
In French, it is clear that it is not a “document de bibliothèque”, but is it included in the term “library materials”? I want to respond to Mr. Jean, who is afraid that it might refer to a table or a chair. In French, it is clear that it does not. We know it is not a “document de bibliothèque”.
You may want to rework the definition of “library materials”.