When it comes to marine policing, from my work with CEMA, I know enforcement officers across the country all have the same issues. It's important to make our waterways as safe as possible. When we're dealing with recreational vessels, we have many rules and many laws to address what's taking place regarding careless operation, an unsafe vessel or carriage requirements in vessels.
We're very good in the recreational world and we try to do our best. As I said before, we are very understaffed when it comes to marine policing and we need more people on the water. We need better equipment, but we have to have synergy with the commercial vessel side too.
I've been preaching this a lot. We need more powers on the water to be able to stop vessels. When we're on the highway, the lights mean you need to stop; you need to pull over. We have nothing like that on the water. We have no authority when it comes to commercial vessels. One authority we lack, which I think is mind-blowing, is we can't take someone's pleasure craft licence away if they're charged with impaired operation.
We tell our people that if someone's going to drive away after being given a three-day suspension, they should go and get them again and give them a seven-day suspension, and then give them a 30-day suspension—