Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'll start with my opening remarks, and I apologize that they're not translated. They've been given to the clerk, and he will translate them as you go forward.
Mr. Chair, respected committee members, I want to thank you for inviting us here to speak today. I am Tom Hoppe, the national president of the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association, CPVA, and with me is Larry Gollner, who is our past vice-president and who leads our special projects team. Larry has been involved in the development of the new Veterans Charter and the early development work done on both the veterans bill of rights and the veterans ombudsman function.
In June, I had the opportunity, as an individual, to have a small part in a presentation to this committee. Today Mr. Gollner and I are here not as individuals, but to represent our association, other Canadian veterans, and, in principle, serving Canadian Forces members.
For the past 14 years CPVA has been actively involved in the veterans community. We have a solid history of working cooperatively and supportively with the government and the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve the conditions for all veterans, young and old. We also have a strong reputation for doing our homework, and on occasion challenging Veterans Affairs. Our challenges are constructive in nature and are usually done within the confines of the consultation process.
Our successes are well documented. CPVA has assisted in developing the veterans helpline, aided in paving the way for OSISS and in securing Parliament's approval of the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal, and has worked with the University of Victoria law faculty to provide well-researched information to facilitate the development of sections of the new Veterans Charter.
CPVA consistently focuses on suitably representing the interests of both traditional and modern-day veterans. Our association was successful in recruiting two serving members to join our board of directors. This allows us to better understand the demands of the modern veteran community. We also have well-established relations with a number of regimental associations. These relationships lend us credibility and the ability to provide current advice to Veterans Affairs on the needs of both our veterans and our serving members.
Why is this important to the committee? The information we provide today is based on years of working within the veterans community in collaboration with other related organizations and on having an intimate understanding for the current needs of the veterans and serving members.
One question we are constantly asked is why a veterans ombudsman is important to veterans. Presently, the more than half a million veterans are represented by a number of associations and organizations, all of which concentrate their efforts to best suit the needs of their members. For example, there are organizations that serve the veterans of world wars and others that serve veterans of UN peacekeeping and peacemaking missions. Some of these focus on period of service or activities; others focus their efforts on the social well-being of their members. Due to this dynamic, the overall veterans community does not have one voice. Although some would have us believe that they have the authority to speak for us all, they do not have such authority.
Why are the internal struggles or politics of the veterans community important to this committee? It is essential that you understand that the veterans organizations have a major impact on how veterans legislation is developed. I am sure that Veterans Affairs has told you that the development of the new Veterans Charter had input from and the support of all veterans organizations. In our experience, this was not the case. The truth is that veterans associations, while active in the development process, did not have the time, resources, or permission to consult with their membership on the critical changes being formulated on pension policy. Under the guise of cabinet confidentiality, Veterans Affairs imposed a gag order on a dozen or so veterans representing their organizations, effectively eliminating any meaningful and democratic discussion within the veterans community at the grassroots level.
After the passage of the new Veterans Charter, considerable consultation was done on formulating the regulations and policies, leading to April 6 of this year, when the new Veterans Charter was proclaimed. On April 6, the then Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs, the late Jack Stagg, stated that the charter was about 80% complete but needed amendments. He also stated that he expected the work to progress quickly on both the veterans bill of rights and the ombudsman function.
Shortly thereafter, the Prime Minister echoed Mr. Stagg's statement. Since then, seven months have passed without meaningful consultation taking place. We have repeatedly volunteered to help and have considerable resources available to do so, but Veterans Affairs has responded with a polite “thanks, but no thanks”.
The much-proclaimed consultation process is clearly faltering.
In summary, the veterans community is split into numerous factions. The consultation process is faltering. The problem is compounded by the inconsistency of support by various veterans organizations, and as a result we have a confused overall veterans community.
How does this impact the Department of Veterans Affairs? Department officials too frequently state that an effective consultation process was in place during development of the legislation, regulations, and policies. In fact, not all associations were consulted, which has occurred more than once, and as a result, we feel senior department officials have lost the respect and trust of some of the veterans organizations. We have to understand the culture of members of the military services. They do not usually complain and will not work outside the chain of command. However, VAC is not only very bureaucratic, it is also legalistic in their process.
When a wounded soldier or veteran is faced with the inflexible system, he or she has nowhere to turn except to the media or the Federal Court. Who can effectively challenge a federal ministry? Most veterans or associations do not have the resources to do so effectively. Hence, when fundamental issues and important questions arise concerning veterans at large, we feel that only an ombudsman could effectively challenge a federal department.
How should the ombudsman office be structured? We believe that the DND-CF ombudsman operation and definition is a good model. The only difference is the veterans affairs ombudsman should be legislated. An ombudsman will provide an avenue to allow the veteran to have a place to turn to that can investigate why a policy or regulation is not working and provide a solution. A prime example would be the high amount of claim refusals due to the initial application process. Naturally, refusal of a veteran's claim results in a veteran not immediately receiving the services from VAC. As well, there is the concern of the duplication of SISIP and the new Veterans Charter rehabilitiation programs and how it will affect the transition of a serving member from the CF to VAC.
We do not see the veterans affairs ombudsman challenging a judicial decision made by VRAB, but an exception might be if there's a specific invitation to do so by the minister or the VRAB chairman. An example would be the investigation by the ombudsman of why the VRAB has such a large backlog of cases. However, some individual veterans may also feel they have been left out in the cold by having their cases rejected by the VRAB and they will undoubtedly return to the ombudsman seeking redress without going to the Federal Court. To help address this concern, we would see some practical options and approaches develop to ensure that such individuals receive the assistance they need to appeal their cases before the Federal Court system.
Members of Parliament and bureaucrats understand we need to support our veterans and serving members. However, we feel the establishment of the veterans affairs ombudsman is caught up in the bureaucratic process. The establishment of the DND-CF ombudsman has proven to be successful; therefore we are of the opinion the veterans deserve to have a place they can turn to for fair and equitable treatment.
In conclusion, it is essential to understand the connection between the veterans community and the development of policy and legislation. It is also important to understand the changing demographics within our veterans community, and which of the veterans groups involved truly represent all veterans. With these concerns in mind, the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans Association believes the establishment of a veterans ombudsman is a critically important element of the introduction of the new Veterans Charter.
The government of the day said the new Veterans Charter was major legislation that has the capacity to impact tens of thousands of serving members and veterans. Therefore, with an untested Veterans Charter and a growing number of wounded coming home from the Afghanistan mission and with the split within the veterans community, it is clear that having an ombudsman is absolutely in the best interest of our veterans as well as for Veterans Affairs.
Thank you for allowing us to make this presentation, Mr. Chair, and I invite your questions, with which we can offer more than just through the presentation.