Well, what I said is that for World War II veterans and Korean veterans, it is actually simpler because there were no such tests, generally speaking. Maybe once in a while, depending on what classification...for example, if you were a pilot, you may have had an audiogram on release if you were serving in World War II or Korea. But generally speaking, there was no audiogram on release. There was a medical test, if you want, but it was not as intensive as it is today.
The problem is if that person, after serving in World War II, then joined the Canadian Forces and served in the Canadian Forces, because starting at around 1960-ish it became the rule to give audiograms on release. So if there is an audiogram on release, that is the challenge: to prove a disability if it doesn't meet the basic criteria.
Currently, there are a number of processes that releasing military personnel must go through. They have to go through a transition interview, first of all with the Canadian Forces manager and then with a Veterans Affairs Canada transition manager, where they get fully briefed on all their benefits, everything that pertains to their release, whether it be from a disability perspective or from the superannuation perspective, basically their pension, pension rights, insurance rights, provision of health care, etc.
So that transition interview is mandatory. For example, going to see the Veterans Affairs Canada official is a mandatory step in the release process. There has to be a release medical. The release medical does include an audiogram. And there are other briefings that happen throughout the career, throughout the life, of an individual. The challenge is when somebody asks for a quick release. In other words, you can get a 30-day release by giving one day's notice that you're going to be released in 30 days, and things might get compressed in those times. Somebody who might actually be ready to release on a medical release but doesn't want to take the time to go through the full process and he's pushing out the door as fast as he can, that's a little bit more challenging.
But even that individual can come back in and say, “I released under voluntary release, but I subsequently identified that I had medical problems. Can you change my release category?” And the Canadian Forces will do that. There are return-to-work programs, there's job training, etc., that can take place six months before the release is initiated. So I would say that the Canadian Forces have things in hand, and so has Veterans Affairs, for the modern-day veteran's transition to civilian life.
It doesn't mean that there are not any challenges: for example, medical care. Obviously, if you've been receiving the care of a medical doctor in the Canadian Forces, finding a general practitioner when you retire is a challenge. I have gone through two GPs since I retired, and the last one, I just found out, has left, so I don't have a GP. I'm 61 years old and I have to go and find one. So this is a challenge.
It's the same thing for the families, because the families are constantly moving across the country. They may establish that they have a doctor, but they say, “This is my doctor for four years until I move here, and by the way, when I'm released, I don't have a doctor.” So there are some challenges there.