Mr. Stoffer and I would probably only agree on the bridging of his Bill C-201. Most other things I think we have a real concern about, including SISIP.
I want to say welcome. We're pleased to have you here today. I know you're aware that we are trying to do this review of the charter to help add some voice to whatever changes may come down the road. Everybody here takes this very seriously and realizes you have all kinds of challenges. My general comment applies to both the military and Veterans Affairs. One of the things we hear more and more as the older vets pass away is that more focus needs to be put on the new vets and that their needs and demands are obviously different. Plus the mentality of all of us has been that when you came out of the Second World War, you just sort of got over it and moved on or whatever, as opposed to today—and I think you put it well, General--when we have them prepared mentally, physically, and psychologically for what they're going into. I commend that.
I have a general question for all of you. It gets into the transition from the military to Veterans Affairs, and we're looking at what we can suggest to make that a better relationship. We think it's a good one, or many of us do, but we realize there are a lot of challenges.
One of the things we heard when we were talking about pensions was that recruits felt that perhaps the information they received several years ago—in other words, the educational process--was not complete. Maybe start with that. How has that changed in recent times? So there would be not just preparation for the physical and mental, but also for what's going to happen financially, what their responsibilities are, and so on. That was a comment we heard at the very beginning of the charter. Maybe I could start there and ask how that's changed the educational process.