Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Miao, I want to add something to the question you asked earlier.
You asked how much time this kind of project would take for a team such as Team Daoust.
There were 7 jury members for this competition. That's a total of approximately 300 hours to put in place and develop the competition. There was also a technical committee. In addition, it wasn't just one firm, but nine others that did the same work.
That's really an extraordinary waste of public funds.
Mr. Chair, as you may suspect, I have a motion to introduce.
I move:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(1), the Committee ask the government to produce all e‑mails, memos and other documents, unclassified, exchanged between the various departments involved in the selection of the artist and design team for the national memorial to Canada's mission in Afghanistan, namely the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Prime Minister's Office and the Privy Council; and that all such documents be received by the Clerk of the Committee, in both official languages, no later than November 17, 2023; That the Chair of the Committee immediately report to the House that the Committee denounces the government's about-face and lack of respect for the rules in deciding not to award the design of the commemorative monument to the team linking the artist Luca Fortin and the architectural firm Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker, which won the competition conducted by a team of experts set up by the Liberal government itself; And that, as part of its study of the commemorative monument, the Committee add a meeting and invite Mr. Pablo Rodriguez, former Minister of Canadian Heritage, and Mr. Lawrence MacAuley, former Minister of Veterans Affairs, to testify for a minimum of one hour each, within one week of receiving the documents.