Mr. Speaker, despite recent criticisms of the RCMP there is good news.
Last year the Surrey detachment decentralized services by dividing the city into five districts, each with its own police station. The move has proven to be very successful. Citizens appreciate the proximity of the stations, district commanders take pride in improved community relations and frontline members have taken ownership by creating logos and giving nicknames to their district offices.
The Surrey model is now used as a textbook case study for college and police academy courses. Surrey detachment is the largest in Canada with an average resident to police ratio approaching an unacceptable 900:1.
I commend Chief Superintendent Terry Smith, his senior staff and the members of the Surrey detachment. Despite monumental funding and resourcing problems compounded by a federal government which does not seem to care, they have shown that when it comes to innovation and commitment the RCMP rank and file is second to none.