Mr. Speaker, I think you would find there is unanimous consent for me to move a motion to correct a discrepancy in the Standing Orders regarding the scrutiny of regulations.
The amendment would delete the words “after the notice is transferred” and substitute the words “after the report is presented pursuant to Standing Order 123(1)”.
Therefore, I move:
That Standing Order 124 be amended to read as follows:
“124. Except as otherwise provided in any Standing or Special Order of the House, when a notice of a resolution given pursuant to Standing Order 123(5) is transferred to the Order Paper under “Motions”, it shall be deemed to have been moved and adopted by the House at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment on the fifteenth sitting day after the report is presented pursuant to Standing Order 123(1), unless a motion for which notice has been given pursuant to Standing Order 54, standing in the name of a Minister, to the effect that the resolution not be adopted, has been placed on the Order Paper”.