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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was transportation.

Last in Parliament March 2023, as Liberal MP for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 54% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Aerospace Industry November 6th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague for his question.

When I talk about a comprehensive plan for the air sector, I also know that the aerospace sector has been affected, because it really is the supply line for the air sector. We are well aware that it has been affected by this pandemic, and we are taking that into account.

Aviation Industry November 6th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, as I mentioned, we are working on a comprehensive plan for the airline industry, which includes airports and, obviously, airlines. I am working with my colleague, the Minister of Finance, who is well aware of the situation. She has publicly acknowledged that the airline industry is facing serious challenges.

Aviation Industry November 6th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for his question, which he asks fairly often.

In response, as I say fairly often as well, I will say that we are working on a comprehensive program to protect our airline industry, which is essential to our country. We are working on solutions.

Aviation Industry November 6th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, in response to my colleague, I will mention the Speech from the Throne, which I am sure she was enthralled listening to.

We did mention in the throne speech that we were going to ensure that regional routes would be maintained in Canada because we feel it is absolutely essential to treat people living in regions the same way as we treat people living in the large cities. They have as many rights as others, so we are working on that.

With respect to the question of consumers and vouchers, we are encouraging the airlines to refund where possible.

Aviation Industry November 6th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, we are looking at all the things that my hon. colleague brought up.

The Government of Canada has provided $1.3 billion in assistance to the air sector through the supplementary wage program. We have also provided about $192 million for companies serving remote areas of our country. Therefore, we have actually put some plans in place, not to mention the rent holiday for 21 airports during 2020. We are working on a long-term solution.

Rail Transportation November 3rd, 2020

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for his question.

He forgot to mention that the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development also stated that progress is being made.

However, I support the fact that it is always possible to do better. We will continue to do better with our inspections and our oversight of the measures that the railways have undertaken.

We are always working to improve rail safety. It is part of my first priority

The Environment November 3rd, 2020

Mr. Speaker, I am very proud of what we have been doing with the trucking industry, particularly during this pandemic. We have reached out to the trucking industry on a number of fronts to ensure their job, which is a difficult one in these circumstances, can be as easy as possible with respect to such items as truck stops so they can eat food and have the opportunity to use the washroom. We are working with the trucking industry because we realize the sacrifice they are making for Canadians, particularly those who travel on a frequent basis to the United States.

Airport Industry November 2nd, 2020

Mr. Speaker, it is not just the airlines that are having difficulty at the moment because there are very few passengers. That also has a knock-on effect for the airports as well. If there are not people flying, there are not people going to the airports.

We are aware of this. As I have said many times before, we are working on trying to find solutions that will ensure that those air sector services, such as airports and airlines, are there for Canadians to be able to rely on after this pandemic.

Motorcoach Industry November 2nd, 2020

Mr. Speaker, like the air sector and the rail sector, the motorcoach sector has also been hit by this pandemic, and we are working on this. We stepped in when Greyhound departed a year and a half ago, and we are looking at this. This is also a provincial responsibility.

At the moment, the fact is that not very many people want to travel, and it is difficult for the coach industry.

Air Transportation November 2nd, 2020

Mr. Speaker, I am very conscious of the fact that many Canadians are frustrated and they would prefer to have refunds. I understand that, and we are encouraging airlines to follow up.

At the same time, airlines and the air sector in general are going through a very rough period at the moment. That is why we are working on a package to address the requirements to ensure that Canadians will have a reliable, affordable and safe air sector after this pandemic is over.