
C-31 An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Public Service Employment Act

Vote topic

That a message be sent to the Senate to acquaint their Honours that this House agrees with amendments numbered 1 to 11 made by the Senate to Bill C-31, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Public Service Employment Act; And that this House agrees with the principles set out in amendment 12 but would propose the following amendment: Senate amendment 12 be amended as follows: Clause 42, page 17: (a) Replace line 23 with the following: "17 to 19 and 34 come into force 10 months" (b) Add after line 31 the following: "(3) Paragraphs 162( i.1) and (i.2) of the Canada Elections Act, as enacted by section 28, come into force six months after the day on which this Act receives royal assent unless, before that day, the Chief Electoral Officer publishes a notice in the Canada Gazette that the necessary preparations have been made for the bringing into operation of the provisions set out in the notice and that they may come into force on the day set out in the notice.".

See context in the Debates.


Yes 166
Conservative Liberal
No 55
Bloc NDP


Didn't vote Dean Allison
Didn't vote David Anderson
Didn't vote Dave Batters
Didn't vote Maxime Bernier
Didn't vote John Cummins
Didn't vote Barry Devolin
Didn't vote Norman Doyle
Didn't vote David Emerson
Didn't vote Ed Fast
Didn't vote Diane Finley
Didn't vote Jim Flaherty
Didn't vote Steven Fletcher
Didn't vote Royal Galipeau
Didn't vote Helena Guergis
Didn't vote Dick Harris
Didn't vote Randy Kamp
Didn't vote Gerald Keddy
Didn't vote Pierre Lemieux
Didn't vote Inky Mark
Didn't vote Rob Merrifield
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Myron Thompson
Didn't vote Garth Turner
Didn't vote Mark Warawa




Didn't vote Larry Bagnell
Didn't vote Mauril Bélanger
Didn't vote Don Bell
Didn't vote Raymond Bonin
Didn't vote Ken Boshcoff
Didn't vote Bonnie Brown
Didn't vote Brenda Chamberlain
Didn't vote Denis Coderre
Didn't vote Joe Comuzzi
Didn't vote Irwin Cotler
Didn't vote Ruby Dhalla
Didn't vote Ujjal Dosanjh
Didn't vote Raymonde Folco
Didn't vote Hedy Fry
Didn't vote John Godfrey
Didn't vote Ralph Goodale
Didn't vote Michael Ignatieff
Didn't vote Jim Karygiannis
Didn't vote Jean Lapierre
Didn't vote Dominic LeBlanc
Didn't vote John Maloney
Didn't vote Paul Martin
Didn't vote Keith Martin
Didn't vote Bill Matthews
Didn't vote John McKay
Didn't vote Peter Milliken
Didn't vote Shawn Murphy
Didn't vote Jim Peterson
Didn't vote Karen Redman
Didn't vote Pablo Rodriguez
Didn't vote Scott Simms
Didn't vote Belinda Stronach
Didn't vote Andrew Telegdi
Didn't vote Robert Thibault
Didn't vote Tom Wappel
Didn't vote Bryon Wilfert
Didn't vote Paul Zed


Didn't vote Bill Casey