
C-2 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act

Vote topic

That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following:

“the House decline to give second reading to Bill C-2, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, since the principle of the Bill: ( a) fails to address the fact, as stated by the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer, that the proposals contained therein will not be revenue-neutral, as promised by the government; (b) will drastically impede the ability of Canadians to save, by reducing contribution limits for Tax-Free Savings Accounts; (c) will plunge the country further into deficit than what was originally accounted for; (d) will not sufficiently stimulate the economy; (e) lacks concrete, targeted plans to stimulate economic innovation; and (f) will have a negative impact on Canadians across the socioeconomic spectrum.”.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 95
No 230
Bloc NDP Liberal Green


Didn't vote Jim Hillyer
Didn't vote Jason Kenney
Didn't vote Larry Miller
Didn't vote Alain Rayes




Didn't vote Shaun Chen
Didn't vote Chrystia Freeland
Didn't vote John McCallum
Didn't vote Geoff Regan
Didn't vote Ramesh Sangha
Didn't vote Nick Whalen
