This session began on January 29th, 2001 and ended on September 16th, 2002.

Government bills

C-2 Law Amend the Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations
C-3 Law Amend the Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and the Petro-Canada Public Participation
C-4 Law Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology
C-5 Species at Risk
C-6 Law Amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty
C-7 Law Youth Criminal Justice
C-8 Law Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
C-9 Law Amend the Canada Elections Act and the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment
C-10 Law Canada National Marine Conservation Areas
C-11 Law Immigration and Refugee Protection
C-12 Law Amend the Judges Act and to amend another Act in consequence
C-13 Law Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001
C-14 Law Canada Shipping Act, 2001
C-15 Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001
C-15A Law Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001
C-15B Amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals and firearms) and the Firearms
C-16 Charities Registration (Security Information)
C-17 Law Amend the Budget Implementation Act, 1997 and the Financial Administration
C-18 Law Amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements
C-19 Amend the Canadian Environmental Assessment
C-20 Law Appropriation Act No.3, 2000-2001
C-21 Law Appropriation Act No. 1, 2001-2002
C-22 Law Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000
C-23 Law Amend the Competition Act and the Competition Tribunal
C-24 Law Amend the Criminal Code (organized crime and law enforcement) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-25 Law Amend the Farm Credit Corporation Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-26 Law Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, 2001
C-27 Law Nuclear Fuel Waste
C-28 Law Amend the Parliament of Canada Act, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and the Salaries
C-29 Law Appropriation Act No. 2, 2001-2002
C-30 Law Courts Administration Service
C-31 Law Export Development
C-32 Law Canada--Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation
C-33 Law Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal
C-34 Law Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada
C-35 Law Amend the Foreign Missions and International Organizations
C-36 Law Anti-terrorism
C-37 Law Claim Settlements (Alberta and Saskatchewan) Implementation
C-38 Law Amend the Air Canada Public Participation
C-39 Law Yukon
C-40 Law Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2001
C-41 Law Amend the Canadian Commercial Corporation
C-42 Public Safety
C-43 Law Amend certain Acts and instruments and to repeal the Fisheries Prices Support
C-44 Law Amend the Aeronautics
C-45 Law Appropriation Act No. 3, 2001-2002
C-46 Law Amend the Criminal Code (alcohol ignition interlock device programs)
C-47 Law Excise Act, 2001
C-48 Amend the Copyright
C-49 Law Budget Implementation Act, 2001
C-50 Law Amend certain Acts as a result of the accession of the People's Republic of China to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
C-51 Law Appropriation Act No. 4, 2001-2002
C-52 Law Appropriation Act No. 1, 2002-2003
C-53 Pest Control Products
C-54 Physical Activity and Sport
C-55 Public Safety Act, 2002
C-56 Assisted Human Reproduction
C-57 Amend the Nuclear Safety and Control
C-58 Amend the Canada Pension Plan and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
C-59 Law Appropriation Act No. 2, 2002-2003
C-60 Specific Claims Resolution
C-61 First Nations Governance
S-2 Law Marine Liability
S-3 Law Motor Vehicle Transport
S-4 Law Federal Law--Civil Law Harmonization Act No. 1
S-5 Law Amend the Blue Water Bridge Authority
S-6 Public Service Whistleblowing
S-7 Amend the Broadcasting
S-8 Maintain the principles relating to the role of the Senate as established by the Constitution of Canada
S-9 Marriage
S-10 Law Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Parliamentary Poet Laureate)
S-11 Law Amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and the Canada Cooperatives Act and to amend other Acts in consequence
S-12 Amend the Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (census records)
S-13 Royal Assent
S-14 Law Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day Act
S-15 Tobacco Youth Protection
S-16 Law Amend the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering)
S-17 Law Amend the Patent
S-18 To Amend the Food and Drugs Act (clean drinking water)
S-19 Amend the Canada Transportation
S-20 Federal Nominations
S-21 Privacy Rights Charter
S-22 Law National Horse of Canada
S-23 Law Amend the Customs Act and to make related amendments to other Acts
S-24 Law Kanesatake Interim Land Base Governance
S-25 Law Amend the Act of incorporation of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada
S-26 Personal Watercraft
S-27 Law Authorize the Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada to apply to be continued as a company under the laws of the Province of Quebec
S-28 Law Authorize Certas Direct Insurance Company to apply to be continued as a company under the laws of the Province of Quebec
S-29 Amend the Broadcasting Act (review of decisions)
S-30 Amend the Canada Corporations Act (corporations sole)
S-31 Law Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2001
S-32 Amend the Official Languages Act (fostering of English and French)
S-33 Law Amend the Carriage by Air
S-34 Law Royal Assent
S-35 Louis Riel
S-36 Code of Canadian Citizenship
S-37 National Acadian Day
S-38 First Nations Self-Government Recognition
S-39 Amend the National Anthem Act to include all Canadians
S-40 Law Amend the Payment Clearing and Settlement
S-41 Law Legislative Instruments Re-enactment
S-42 Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (householder mailings)
S-43 Heritage Lighthouse Protection
S-44 Amend the National Capital

Private members' bills are introduced by MPs who are not cabinet ministers—opposition members, or sometimes government backbenchers. They rarely become law.

Private members' bills

C-201 Whistle Blower Human Rights
C-202 Amend the Statutory Instruments Act (disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)
C-203 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (unpaid wages to rank first in priority in distribution)
C-204 Labour Market Training
C-205 Canada Water Export Prohibition
C-206 Whistle Blowers Protection
C-207 Energy Price Commission
C-208 Amend the Criminal Code (sexual offences)
C-209 Amend the Income Tax Act (Public Transportation Costs)
C-210 Clean Internet
C-211 Amend the Income Tax Act (herbal remedies)
C-212 Internet Child Pornography Prevention
C-213 Amend the Canada Elections
C-214 Establish the Holocaust Memorial Day
C-215 Amend the Aeronautics Act (automatic defibrillators)
C-216 Amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (prevention of private hospitals)
C-217 Blood Samples
C-218 Amend the Parliament of Canada
C-219 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (persons who leave employment to be care-givers to family members)
C-220 Fuel Price Posting
C-221 Amend the Transfer of Offenders Act (removal of foreign offenders)
C-222 Amend the Income Tax Act (deduction of expenses incurred by a mechanic for tools required in employment)
C-223 Amend the Interest Act (interest payable on repayment of a mortgage loan before maturity)
C-224 Family Farm Cost of Production Protection
C-225 Amend the Income Tax Act (deductibility of expense of tools provided as a requirement of employment)
C-226 Amend the Bank Act (bank mergers)
C-227 Pension Ombudsman
C-228 Amend the Canada Pension Plan (early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)
C-229 First Nations Veterans' Compensation
C-230 Amend the Business Development Bank of Canada Act and the Canada Student Loans Act to provide for a student loan system that is more supportive of students
C-231 Credit Ombudsman
C-232 Conscientious Objection
C-233 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (withdrawal of applications for full parole by offenders serving two or more years)
C-234 Amend the Supreme Court
C-235 Amend the Young Offenders
C-236 Amend the Hazardous Products Act (fire-safe cigarettes)
C-237 Amend the Divorce Act (joint custody)
C-238 Amend the Criminal Code (conditional sentencing)
C-239 Amend the Criminal Code and the Young Offenders Act (capital punishment)
C-240 Amend the Criminal Code (prohibiting certain offenders from changing their name)
C-241 Amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (work for welfare)
C-242 Amend the Criminal Code (criminal liability of corporations, directors and officers)
C-243 Hepatitis Awareness Month
C-244 Amend the Income Tax Act (deduction of mechanics' tool expenses)
C-245 Amend the Criminal Code (search and seizure without warrant)
C-246 Amend the Criminal Code to prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person's religion or belief that human life is inviolable
C-247 Amend the Criminal code (forfeiture of property relating to child pornography crimes)
C-248 Amend the Competition
C-249 Amend the Access to Information Act (Crown corporations and the Canadian Wheat Board)
C-250 Amend the Criminal Code (theft of a motor vehicle)
C-251 Amend the Criminal Code (abduction)
C-252 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (statutory release granted only when earned and subject to mandatory supervision)
C-253 Amend the Canada Marine
C-254 Automotive Pollution Reduction
C-255 Amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)
C-256 Amend the Young Offenders Act and to amend certain other Acts in consequence thereof
C-257 Amend the Criminal Code (attempting to disarm a peace officer)
C-258 Witness and Spousal Protection Program
C-259 Amend the National Defence Act (Snowbirds)
C-260 Amend the Holidays Act (National Heritage Day) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
C-261 Patients' Bill of Rights
C-262 Fishers' Bill of Rights
C-263 National Agricultural Relief Coordination
C-264 Marriage Capacity
C-265 A Day for Hearts: Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day
C-266 Amend the Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act in order to protect the legal definition of marriage by invoking section 33 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
C-267 Prohibit the use of chemical pesticides for non-essential purposes
C-268 Canada Well-Being Measurement
C-269 Amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (exemption of long guns from registration)
C-270 Members of Parliament Superannuation
C-271 Education Benefits
C-272 Amend the Income Tax Act (child adoption expenses)
C-273 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (recognized political parties)
C-274 Amend the Criminal Code (Order of prohibition)
C-275 Amend the Criminal Code (recruitment of children and swarming)
C-276 Amend the Competition Act (abuse of dominant position)
C-277 Amend the Crown Liability and Proceedings
C-278 Amend the Criminal Code (prohibited sexual acts)
C-279 VIA Rail Commercialization
C-280 Amend the Canada Health Act (conditions for contributions)
C-281 Amend the Canada Evidence
C-282 Homeowners’ Freedom from Double Taxation
C-283 Energy Price Commission
C-284 Amend the Criminal Code (offences by corporations, directors and officers)
C-285 Amend the Criminal Code (no parole when imprisoned for life)
C-286 Amend the Official Languages Act (provision of bilingual services)
C-287 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (genetically modified food)
C-288 Amend the Criminal Code (impaired driving causing death or injury)
C-289 Amend the Young Offenders Act (public safety)
C-290 Amend the Criminal Code (breaking and entering)
C-291 Amend the Criminal Code (violent crimes)
C-292 Amend the Criminal Code (selling wildlife)
C-293 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (constituency allowance)
C-294 Amend the Criminal Code (wearing of war decorations)
C-295 Canada Endangered Species Protection
C-296 Amend the Income Tax Act (allowances paid to elected officials)
C-297 Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day
C-298 Amend the Income Tax Act (exemption from taxation of 50% of U.S. social security payments to Canadian residents)
C-299 Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct
C-300 Amend the Criminal Code (wearing of war decorations)
C-301 Amend the Statistics Act (ethnicity question)
C-302 Amend the Criminal Code
C-303 Amend the Criminal Code (proceeds of crime)
C-304 Amend the Criminal Code (prostitution)
C-305 Amend the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (inventory of brownfields)
C-306 Amend the Broadcasting Act and the Income Tax Act (Closed-captioned Programming)
C-307 Amend the Indian Act (election of chiefs and councils)
C-308 Statutory Program Evaluation
C-309 Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations
C-310 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (mandatory labelling for genetically modified foods)
C-311 National Horse of Canada
C-312 Amend the Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (census records)
C-313 Treaties
C-314 Tabling of Treaties
C-315 Treaty Approval
C-316 Treaty Publication
C-317 Conclusion of Treaties
C-318 Fuel Price Posting
C-319 Amend the Canada Elections Act (declined-vote ballots)
C-320 Amend the Income Tax Act (expenses incurred by care-givers)
C-321 Amend the Farm Income Protection Act (crop damage by gophers)
C-322 Proportional Representation Review
C-323 Amend the Income Tax Act (political activities by charities receiving public funds)
C-324 Amend the Employment Equity Act (elimination of designated groups and numerical goals) and the Canadian Human Rights
C-325 Amend the Broadcasting Act (designation of cable channels)
C-326 Antipoverty
C-327 All-Numeric Dates
C-328 Amend the Criminal Code (theft over $100,000)
C-329 Amend the Criminal Code (protection of children)
C-330 Amend the Criminal Code (desecration of the Canadian Flag)
C-331 Ukrainian Canadian Restitution
C-332 Amend the Special Economic Measures
C-333 Sex Offender Registry
C-334 Amend the Divorce Act (child of the marriage)
C-335 Amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (medical use of marihuana)
C-336 Amend the Criminal Code (genetic manipulation)
C-337 Amend the Copyright Act (Minister)
C-338 Amend the Food and Drugs Act (process for approval of new drugs)
C-339 Terry Fox Day
C-340 Amend the Canada Labour Code
C-341 Amend the Access to Information Act (Cabinet confidences)
C-342 Amend the Income Tax Act (volunteers)
C-343 Amend the Criminal Code (violent crimes)
C-344 Amend the Contraventions Act and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (marihuana)
C-345 Amend the Immigration Act (requirement to show evidence of identity)
C-346 Endangered Species Sanctuaries
C-347 Blood Samples
C-348 Cultural Grants Acknowledgement
C-349 Amend the Criminal Code (sale of intoxicating products)
C-350 Automotive Pollution Reduction
C-351 Public Services Whistleblowing
C-352 Amend the Criminal Code (dangerous offender)
C-353 Amend the Criminal Code (arrest without warrant)
C-354 Amend the Criminal Code (taking samples of bodily substances)
C-355 Amend the Statutory Instruments Act (regulatory accountability)
C-356 Amend the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal Act (Book of Remembrance for peacekeepers)
C-357 Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers)
C-358 Amend the Competition Act (vertically integrated gasoline suppliers)
C-359 Oil and Gas Ombudsman
C-360 Amend the Income Tax Act (tax credit for mental or physical impairment)
C-361 Amend the Income Tax Act (to provide for the deduction of funeral expenses)
C-362 Amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to education)
C-363 Deficit Prevention
C-364 Departmental Internal Audit
C-365 Amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to literacy)
C-366 Canada Seat Belt
C-367 Consumer Credit Information
C-368 Amend the Criminal Code
C-369 Amend the Income Tax Act (donations to food banks)
C-370 Canadian Child Rights
C-371 Amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing)
C-372 National Environmental Standards
C-373 Amend the Citizenship Act (revocation of citizenship)
C-374 Merchant Navy Veterans Day
C-375 Amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Public Service Staff Relations Act (prohibited provision in a collective agreement)
C-376 National Literacy Standards
C-377 National Conference on Guaranteed Annual Income
C-378 Amend the Income Tax Act, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, the Public Service Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (dependent beneficiaries)
C-379 Education Standards
C-380 Amend the National Archives of Canada Act and the Statistics
C-381 Maximum Speed Control Device
C-382 Amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (school-leaving age)
C-383 Amend the Divorce Act (right of spouses' parents to access to or custody of child)
C-384 Children in Law
C-385 Micro Credit
C-386 Amend the Criminal Code (breaking and entering)
C-387 Amend the Criminal Code (bail for those charged with violent offences)
C-388 Code of ethics for Ministers
C-389 Shipbuilding Act, 2001
C-390 Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
C-391 Amend the Citizenship Act (Oath or Affirmation of Citizenship)
C-392 Amend the Criminal Code (sex offences and violent offences)
C-393 Amend the Criminal Code (protection of witnesses)
C-394 Amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (investment criteria)
C-395 National Crime Stoppers' Day
C-396 Carrie's Guardian Angel Law
C-397 Amend the Income Tax Act (support payments)
C-398 Amend the Criminal Code (consecutive sentence for use of firearm in commission of offence)
C-399 First Nations Governance Review
C-400 Lisa's Law
C-401 Amend the Canada Elections Act (proxy voting)
C-402 Conflict Diamonds
C-403 Fugitives from justice in other countries
C-404 Amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (mail contractors)
C-405 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (parole hearings)
C-406 Amend the Divorce Act (custody of grandchildren)
C-407 Amend the Canada Health Act (linguistic duality)
C-408 Amend the Criminal Code and the Modernization of Benefits and Obligations
C-409 Vimy Ridge Day
C-410 Amend the Income Tax Act (exemptions for volunteers)
C-411 Louis Riel
C-412 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Criminal Code (sentencing judge to determine level of security of incarceration of inmate for first third of sentence)
C-413 Amend the Canada Labour Code and the Public Service Staff Relations Act (scabs and essential services)
C-414 Verbal Abuse Prevention Week
C-415 Amend the Criminal Code (hate propaganda)
C-416 Housing Bill of Rights
C-417 Code of Canadian citizenship
C-418 Amend the Canada Elections Act (voting in place of a mentally incapacitated elector by power of attorney)
C-419 Amend the Criminal Code (fire fighters)
C-420 Amend the Broadcasting Act (reduction of violence in television broadcasts)
C-421 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act and the Canada Elections Act (fixed election dates)
C-422 Alternate Dispute Resolution
C-423 Amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (unpaid wages to rank first in priority in distribution)
C-424 Amend the Criminal Code (breach of a conditional sentence order)
C-425 Amend the Criminal Code (keeping child pornography in a manner that is not reasonably secure from access by others)
C-426 Amend the Criminal code (destruction or desecration of national flag)
C-427 Credit Card Charge Adjustment
C-428 Amend the Citizenship
C-429 Amend the Criminal Code (destruction of national flag)
C-430 Amend the Income Tax Act (child care expenses)
C-431 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (refugee claimants or immigration applicants convicted of an offence on indictment)
C-432 Remembrance Day National Flag
C-433 Amend the Criminal Code (puppy mills)
C-434 Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection
C-435 Amend the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act (members' staff)
C-436 Amend the Canada Transportation
C-437 Child Predator
C-438 Amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act and the Access to Information
C-439 Amend the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation
C-440 Dairy Terms
C-441 Change the names of certain electoral districts
C-442 Amend the Employment Insurance
C-443 Organ Donation
C-444 Amend the Youth Criminal Justice
C-445 Amend the Criminal Code (protection of child before birth)
C-446 Amend the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade
C-447 Amend the Income Tax
C-448 Amend the Canada Business Corporations
C-449 Amend the Old Age Security
C-450 Amend the Criminal Code (judicial review)
C-451 Western Canadian Wheat Board
C-452 Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum
C-453 Right to Work
C-454 Amend the Patent Act (patented medicines)
C-455 User Fees
C-456 Amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act to provide for judicial discretion to assign a security classification of maximum to high-risk violent offenders
C-457 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act to establish an Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada
C-458 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act to establish a Board of Management to oversee operations of the Correctional Service of Canada
C-459 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act to provide for the disclosure of certain information about offenders
C-460 Amend the Patent
C-461 Amend the Income Tax Act (child adoption expenses)
C-462 Canadian Safe Drinking Water
C-463 Amend the Employment Insurance Act (arm's length dealing)
C-464 Amend the Criminal Code (blood alcohol content)
C-465 Amend the Canadian Human Rights
C-466 Amend the Supreme Court Act (appointment of judges)
C-467 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Criminal Code (truth in sentencing)
C-468 Amend the Criminal Code (impaired driving)
C-469 Amend the Divorce Act (shared parenting)
C-470 Amend the Corrections and Conditional Release
C-471 Amend the Canada Labour Code (defibrillators in the work place)
C-472 Amend the Canada Labour Code
C-473 Drug Supply
C-474 Amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985
C-475 Amend the Canada Pension Plan
C-476 National Civil Defence Force
C-477 Amend the Income Tax Act (amateur sport fees)
C-478 Amend the Referendum
C-479 Amend the Canada Business Corporations
C-480 Amend the Parliament of Canada Act (oath or solemn affirmation)