My understanding, after having spoken with Senator Harder during the recess, is that his expressed desire was to remove all of paragraph (g), all of paragraph (h), and I believe all of paragraph (i), because (i) refers back to (g), so (g) doesn't exist. You'd have to get rid of (i). I've consulted with Ms. Bendayan and Mr. Naqvi, and we are comfortable with that.
I want to note for the record that I have also taken observation of the fact that at different points, members of every party and of each chamber have indicated the understanding that it is not only possible but also probable that redactions will occur in terms of the information that is being turned over. I want it put on the record that those redactions might be for various reasons, such as national security, as Mr. Motz's motion originally proposed, or the existence of an ongoing criminal investigation. They may also include—and I will want the record to reflect this—things such as solicitor-client privilege, cabinet confidence or matters that are currently before the courts, as there is already litigation ongoing on a constitutional basis on the very subject matter about which we are speaking.
Having said that, I would reiterate that I believe that Ms. Bendayan, Mr. Naqvi and I are in favour of removing paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) in their entirety.
Thank you.