Thank you, Chair.
Good morning, everyone. My colleagues and I appreciate the opportunity to appear before this committee.
I begin by acknowledging that the land on which we are gathered today is the traditional territory of the Algonquin and Anishinabe people. Through generations, indigenous peoples have been stewards of the land and the water.
Today, we're happy to be here discussing the reopening of the northern cod fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador.
It is essential that we begin by emphasizing the importance of northern cod to Newfoundland and Labrador's economy and culture. The species is woven into the province's history and traditions.
Prior to the moratorium in 1992, the groundfish fishery dominated the industry in Newfoundland and Labrador. At that time in the province there were close to 24,000 registered fish harvesters as well as a significant offshore component, with landings of northern cod in the range of 500,000 tonnes and a landed value of about $300 million.
The moratorium on the northern cod fishery has had a profound impact on all aspects of life in the province, particularly in coastal communities.
Over the years the department collaborated with industry on various initiatives, including sentinel surveys and the establishment of the stewardship fishery in 2006, in conjunction with the Fish, Food and Allied Workers-Unifor. The stewardship fishery fostered a culture of stewardship among harvesters, contributed valuable data for stock assessments and enhanced our understanding of the resource status of northern cod.
In October 2023, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans held a meeting of the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat to review the northern cod assessment model.
In this meeting, consensus was reached on significant improvements to the northern cod assessment model. Using this updated model, the stock was considered to be in the cautious zone of the precautionary framework. Recognizing the change in the stock status and its potential impact on management approaches, the department convened a special session of the groundfish advisory committee to discuss access and allocation for a potential reopening of the northern cod commercial fishery. This session included participation by the Newfoundland and Labrador government, harvesting and processing representatives, indigenous partners and non-governmental organizations.
In March 2024, a full stock assessment confirmed that the northern cod stock remained in the cautious zone.
Following the stock assessment, we reconvened the groundfish advisory committee to gather perspectives on the 2024 northern cod management approach. While northern cod has a unique legacy, it is subject to the department's robust consultation process before any management decisions are made.
The 2024 management approach for northern cod is cautious yet optimistic. It provides for a modest increase, from the roughly 13,000-tonne stewardship fishery, to an 18,000-tonne commercial fishery in the current management plan. The decision to provide a majority allocation of over 90% of the TAC to the inshore sector and indigenous groups reflects a commitment to those who have long been the custodians of the ocean. It also recognizes the Canadian offshore fleet's historical role in this fishery, with the majority of its northern cod allocation held by Newfoundland and Labrador interests. Their allocation supports operations that employ hundreds in coastal communities and helps to establish a consistent year-round supply of cod.
It is important to note that northern cod is a straddling fish stock, a portion of which is present in international waters. As a responsible fishing nation, the department is required to consider Canada's international obligations under the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization. Canada must co-operate with other countries on the sustainable management of relevant fish stocks through participation in regional fisheries management organizations. Canada has negotiated strong conservation measures to limit catches in the NAFO regulatory area outside the Canadian 200-nautical-mile limit. The department is a key contributor to comprehensive fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance programs in the NAFO regulatory area. There are specific rules to protect this stock, including strict small quotas, seasonal closure, gear requirements and minimum sizes. The limited NAFO allocation will be stringently monitored.
Lastly, the department's objective is to work with all its partners to support a modern and sustainable fishery through strong management measures and a shared desire to restore and sustainably manage this stock.