Let's try to stick to your document, because otherwise we may go off in all different directions.
Among those whose first official language is French, 84% were bilingual at the time of their recruitment. If I go by your document, there is an extremely significant difference between Anglophones and Francophones as far as bilingualism is concerned. People might think that because of that, in the long run, Francophones appear to be favoured, that it is easier for them to move up in a bilingual system. However, on page 9 of your document, you state that the permanent start-up ratio for people whose first official language English was 31.3%, compared with 25% among Francophones. That does not look like a system that does much for Francophones in terms of career advancement.
The following page states:
Among bilingual employees, the English start-ups advanced more rapidly than their French counterparts by 3.6%. Among unilingual employees, the English start-ups advanced more rapidly than their French counterparts by 2.3%. The combined effect of first official language and bilingualism on career progression remained statistically significant for 49 out of the 62 groups and levels studied.
It seems that being bilingual or not makes no difference: in both cases, Francophones advance more slowly in their career than Anglophones.
Should we not conclude from all this that Canada's system of bilingualism, which in theory affirms the equality of the two languages, is in practice a denial of that equialty? We say there are two official languages: English and simultaneous translation. In principle, the two languages are equal.