We actually gave examples of a couple of cases.
In one case, an individual was an executive assistant to the Clerk of the Privy Council, working in the Privy Council Office and supporting the clerk, who is the deputy to the Prime Minister. This individual decided to take a job in the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. Is this appropriate? Is it non-partisan behaviour or not?
We investigated that case and concluded that it was not a problem of improper partisan behaviour; the individual was looking for another job. But it raised all kinds of other problems in terms of conflict of interest and how many people you can have in the public service who go and work for political offices?
I cited the case of the individual going to work for the Leader of the Opposition, but I could also cite you cases of public servants working for ministers--so working in a political function--and coming back into the public service.
My question is, how much of this can we have and what kinds of fences should be put around it?