Thank you for your question.
We receive two types of cases at our office. The first one concerns complaints that are sent to us, and the second involves what we consider more as questions or issues that are raised and that we don't necessarily have the mandate to resolve.
On the competition side, we sometimes get questions from suppliers again. Most of the time, they are suppliers who have difficulty understanding or knowing what they need to do to do business with the federal government. In situations like this, we direct them to Mr. Gray's service.
The number of complaints and contacts we have are set out in our annual reports. Earlier, I mentioned that we are undertaking a number of activities to try to raise the profile of our office within the Canadian supplier community.
When I talk to suppliers, I first mention to them the number of contacts we receive each year. I tell them there are probably two reasons why this happens. The first is that the federal supply system is working perfectly and no improvement can be made. The second is probably because, if suppliers have a question or issue to raise, they don't necessarily know where to turn or don't know that our organization exists to give them a hand.
All this to tell you that, after a presentation, most of the providers I talk to tell me they weren't aware of our existence. That's why we hold a lot of activities to try to make our office better known.