The first country I visited when I was Chief Electoral Officer was Switzerland. They hold referendums until they're blue in the face—50,000 people can.... What they were using it for, really, was blocking legislation, because you could overturn legislation. It made progress very difficult. I wouldn't like to see referendums go that far, but I think there is room to try to get to the dissatisfaction, or the seeming dissatisfaction, as I alluded to in my previous answer. I think we could successfully extend referendums. We might even have forms and numbers of signatures. If you can gather 15% of the electorate on a particular topic, you've got a pretty significant number of people here. Fifteen percent of 24 million is not easy to get. So that's a possibility. I don't know if 15% is good, maybe it's 20%, but you get my idea.
With respect to changes to the statute, I abhor the thought that more than one referendum is being held at the same time on the same question but with different rules. I especially abhor the fact that 10,000 Canadians were deprived of their right to vote. That really upset me to no end. I made a public speech about it, and Mr. Macdonald from the CBC reported it, but nothing happened. Under our Constitution, I found that quite reprehensible. It's either that or we let the provinces run a national referendum, but each under their own rules if this is what they want, and if this is what we want politically. But if we're going to have a referendum.... You can't have a provincial referendum but the City of Regina has its own rules, in Saskatchewan.
So the other one is there are slight amendments, as I indicated, about the number of days for committees to establish themselves. Those were the main concerns that I would address if I were to change anything.