I wasn't encouraging an intervention. I was just making note of the controversial nature of the Wheat Board to our western colleagues. Of course, from an Ontario MP it was not an issue. Again, the purpose here is that it's an example of the use of a standing order to cause challenges to the House.
The next example is probably one of the most emotional, I would say, and that would be on November 2, 1995. We all know that three days prior to that was the Quebec referendum. It was an extremely emotional time in Canadian politics and Canadian life for all colleagues, whether they were Quebec members or not. It was an extremely controversial and emotional point in time.
On that date, November 2, 1995, there were two Bloc MPs who were named at the same time for basically the same issue, which was defying the authority of the Speaker, and more specifically, accusing the deputy prime minister of the day, Sheila Copps, of lying to the House. Again, it was a very serious charge in the House, and something that we do not do. Both members were named for the same reason. They were only given one opportunity to withdraw, and after that they were quickly removed.
The MPs were Gilles Duceppe and Michel Bellehumeur. Monsieur Duceppe, of course, wasn't leader of the Bloc at the time, but he was nonetheless a prominent parliamentarian as the first Bloc MP elected. He made note of the emotion of this challenge. He said, and I quote, “We are in pretty tense times for our nation. If it surprises you that I am going to act as quickly as I am, I do so knowing full well that my primary responsibility in the House of Commons is to see to it that the institution itself is respected by all of us.” That's a pretty serious accusation.
The response this time was certainly well picked up by the media, which I think was part of the reason this happened. All MPs of course have parliamentary privilege. We cannot be sued or held accountable for words that are spoken in the House of Commons in criminal or civil proceedings.
Certainly, it was not lost on the media at the time that a lot of the comments that were being made directly to the then deputy prime minister would have been seriously libellous had they been said outside the House of Commons foyer. It's something that is very controversial, but allowing it to be done in the House of Commons means that it can be picked up by the media and reported in the media, and it means that the immunity of the member having said the offending statements is protected. I think that's another interesting situation in which we have a standing order rule of the House being used for alternate means.
Moving forward, on April 24, 1996, a Reform Party MP by the name of Randy White accused the prime minister of the day, Mr. Chrétien, of lying to Canadians on the subject of the GST during the 1993 election campaign. Once again, it was used as a tactic by the opposition party—they were actually the third party at the time—to bring about an issue. The point at the time was to focus on all the reversals of the then-government, from their election promises to what was actually happening. They were a couple of years into the mandate, and they were demonstrating what was happening at the time. That was the example involving Randy White.
Another example, and one that I find interesting because I have a great deal of respect for the member who was named, is that of a gentleman by the name of Chuck Strahl. We know him from his lengthy service in this House. His son, Mark, is now a member of our caucus. He is certainly a well-respected gentleman and someone for whom I have a great deal of respect.
It was interesting.
It's an example where a rather innocuous comment initially uttered by Mr. Strahl kind of built on itself, and eventually it got to the point where he was therefore named. We know it's not in the Standing Orders, but in O'Brien and Bosc there is a comment that you can't do indirectly what you can't do directly. That's kind of the challenge that Mr. Strahl found himself caught up in.
He was questioning the Minister of National Defence on the Somalia inquiry, which was a very controversial issue back in 1997, and he used the words “cover-up” and “whitewash”, the implication, of course, being that the government and the minister had covered something up and had whitewashed something. It's not as bad as some of the words we'd use from time to time, such as “lying”, accusing someone of lying, but nonetheless these wouldn't be the perfect words to use.
The argument expressed at the time by Mr. Strahl was that they weren't really his words and that he was actually quoting from Justice Létourneau. The full quote was, “I won't be the instrument of a whitewash in this way. It will be impossible for us to delve into this issue”. He was quoting a third party, but again, the rule of not doing indirectly what you can't do directly comes into play.
For those who know Mark Strahl, I think he and his father are very distinguished people. Mr. Strahl, senior, made the comment that he would “reluctantly withdraw” his comments, but interestingly, that wasn't good enough for the Speaker at the time. He felt that the qualifier “reluctantly” wasn't appropriate given the severity of the comments, so the Speaker at the time, Speaker Parent, took a very rigid approach. Since Mr. Strahl was not willing to fully withdraw the comments, but only did so reluctantly, he was ordered removed from the chamber, and he was—again, signifying the challenge of navigating some of these parliamentary reasons.
The eighth example of a naming during this period was of a New Democrat MP, Svend Robinson, member for Burnaby—Douglas in British Columbia. Sometimes, when we hear words in the House of Commons, we sit back and think, “Is that parliamentary or not?” Often, it's pretty clear that the words are unparliamentary, and they are dealt with very quickly. In this case, Mr. Robinson referred to the concept of “treasonous”, a pretty loaded word. It's pretty clear right off the bat that that's going to be considered unparliamentary language to be used in the House of Commons. In fact, this is one of the few examples where the implication of lying or not telling the truth is something different being used in this case.
In this case, it's more interesting. The media didn't actually pay much attention to it. The suggestion, from the small number of media that did pay attention to this exact issue, was that the member in question was more prone to these types of accusations—“theatrics” was the word that was used in one article.
You almost have to wonder whether, after this relatively short period of time, it's becoming less common, because its usefulness is being used up.
The ninth time the naming happened, it was a Bloc MP by the name of Michel Gauthier, the MP for Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean. I think it was actually a rather clever exchange between MP Gauthier and the Prime Minister. Mr. Gauthier probably found himself a victim of just not knowing when to stop and when to sit down. Prime Minister Chrétien and Mr. Gauthier were both warned by the Speaker to stop using the word “hypocrite” in their exchange. They were both using it back and forth, despite interventions from the Speaker. Prime Minister Chrétien eventually did stop saying “hypocrite”; Gauthier did not. The Speaker pushed him on it and asked him to withdraw. He didn't, and he was named.
This actually got an interesting little reaction in different places. Had Twitter been involved in the 1990s, it would have been a bit of a Twitter firestorm when these things happened, but it wasn't, so we rely on print media to get an impression of how these types of things were happening.
Paul Wells wrote a little bit about it in an article in the National Post at the time. He wrote, “It appears Parliament is falling apart.” He said, “It was the ugliest Question Period in 20 years”. I'm not sure you can objectively state how bad a question period was and state definitively that it was the ugliest in 20 years. Nonetheless, it was a bit of an acknowledgement from the media that this could well be seen as a negative rather than a positive opportunity to bring attention to an issue.
In this example, why it may have seemed more of a negative response was that there wasn't a key policy issue. There wasn't a real purpose in Mr. Gauthier being named. There wasn't any benefit to him to bring the public's attention to it.
Moving on the 10th example, it's the same Speaker. We see most of these names under one Speaker, Monsieur Parent, all but two. The first was Mr. Fraser, and the last was a Deputy Speaker.
The 10th example is Jim Abbott, the member for Kootenay—Columbia, in British Columbia. I think it was last week we saw Mr. Abbott taking in question period from the gallery. It was nice to see him join us on the Hill a few years after his retirement.
In February 2000, the House was dealing with a rather controversial issue dealing with an HRDC program. The Minister of Human Resources Development Canada at the time was Jane Stewart. They were asking her about challenges with a program. The minister said:
Members of the party over there say they would like to kill these programs, but yet, as I pointed out individual members, the member for Skeena, the member for Nanaimo-Cowichan, and even the member for Kootenay—Columbia, keep calling my office saying “Can't you please hurry and approve the application?”
Mr. Abbott, of course, didn't like the fact that he was singled out and didn't agree with the minister's statement, so he quickly rose and accused her. He said, “That is a lie.” Again, it was a pretty clear example of unparliamentary language, so quickly, the Speaker rose and ordered him to withdraw the comments. He didn't and was quickly ordered to go out, and he left.
What I find interesting about this example is that in retrospect, the minister actually noted to the House that she had misspoken and that the individual member hadn't ever contacted her on that matter. There was a bit of discussion in the media about the fact that if we wanted to parse words, what she said was not true. It was a lie, so to speak. Again, it went beyond the veracity of the statement and reflected on decorum in the House. It didn't have to do with whether something was factual. It had to do with the words used and how they were dealt with in the House of Commons.
The 11th example comes from Madame Suzanne Tremblay, a Bloc MP from Rimouski-Neigette-Et-La Mitis. It's interesting, actually, to see some of these riding names and how they have changed over the years. Her issue was the appropriateness of how these things come apart. She was threatened to withdraw her comments about implying an untruth.
She went on to say, “This is the 21st century and we are entitled to the truth in this place.” Even that wasn't really using unparliamentary language, but the phrase that went with it was deemed unparliamentary. It warranted her being named and withdrawing for the remainder of the day.
Again, at that point there was no real significant policy issue that was associated with it. There was no media coverage, and as an effective deterrent it, obviously, simply wasn't happening at that point. It was an example of the way in which the usefulness of the traditional technique waned over the period of time, to the point that the very last time that an MP has been named in order to be withdrawn from the House of Commons was on December 6, 2002. The MP in question was Yvan Loubier, Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot, a Bloc Québécois MP from Quebec.
It's interesting because it was actually Deputy Speaker Kilger who had the opportunity to name the member. Again, it related to unparliamentary language, the word “liar” in this case. It was, from a national perspective, a relatively non-issue, but from a local perspective, it had to deal with an important issue in his riding. It had to do with the accreditation of a college in Saint-Hyacinthe, and it had to deal with the Minister of Agriculture basically certifying that college in his riding, so it was not a national issue.
In this case, it gave the member an opportunity to really raise a significant profile for himself defending a specific issue back in his riding. He used the standing order to raise the issue to get some coverage and to make it happen.
As I mentioned earlier, this is certainly at odds with what goes on in the Ontario legislature. The Ontario Speakers, Mr. Levac and Mr. Peters before him, were very strict in terms of these types of instances. When a person is named it is expected that he or she will be removed quickly and that it is done quickly. This happens on a relatively regular basis, so much so that in the last couple of weeks we did see an example.
One of the most famous provincial examples, though, is the one where an individual member using a standing order, using a technique at his disposal, made a significant change to government policy, to government legislation. It goes back to what has been raised before about how the Standing Orders, how the privileges of our Standing Orders and the privileges of this procedure, allow us to do certain things.
The MPP in question was Alvin Curling, who was a well-known Liberal MPP in Ontario. It was the Mike Harris government of the day. If Mr. Christopherson were still here, I'm sure he would remind us that he too was in the opposition at that time, and significantly opposed some of these measures.
The opposition members were trying to prevent Bill 26, an omnibus bill, from passing. Basically, MPPs were refusing to vote, and were being, one by one, escorted out by the Sergeant-at-Arms after being named. The idea from an opposition standpoint was to delay the vote as much as possible. As each MPP refused to rise to vote, the Speaker would order that they be named, and the Sergeant-at-Arms would remove them.
The problem was that, at the time, his Liberal colleagues neglected to tell Mr. Curling about the process. They neglected to tell him they were planning a procedural game, and that they were planning to refuse to vote and be escorted out. At the time, if you didn't vote you were offending the privileges of the House.
As his colleagues were all refusing to vote and being named, it got to him, and he simply sat there and would not move. When the Sergeant-at-Arms came to him and asked him to move, he simply would not move. The process at the time was that the Sergeant-at-Arms would then inform the Speaker that force would have to be used to remove the member. The challenge was that force had never actually been used in the Ontario legislature to actually remove a member.
Here we had an example of an MPP—a distinguished, long-serving MPP, Mr. Curling—who was sitting there and not moving. The Sergeant-at-Arms honestly didn't know what to do, so they actually called over to Westminster in the U.K. to get advice on what ought to be done. Apparently, the suggestion at the time was not to physically remove a member, but simply to wait it out and eventually, he would be removed.
The outcome was that eventually, he did leave of his own volition several hours later, but not before there was a significant amount of public attention. This was used by the opposition parties as an opportunity to raise awareness and to get some small concessions from the government on that particular omnibus bill that was being offered by the government at the time.
Again, another provincial example of the same idea happened in 2009. An MPP from Sarnia-Lambton by the name of Bob Bailey, a very soft-spoken but thoughtful MPP, made the mistake of calling the premier a liar. He then provided the further explanation that he wasn't just a liar, but that he was a cowardly liar, which served to add fuel to the fire. The Speaker named him and ordered him withdrawn from the legislature. It was interesting that it was actually the acting Speaker at the time, who was also a Conservative MPP, so there was an example of a Conservative MPP naming a Conservative MPP. Again, it was very much an opportunity for an opposition MPP in a majority context to raise an issue and have it brought forward. In a newspaper article afterwards, he wrote:
I took the drastic step of being kicked out to make my point that people need to be heard on the issue. I have heard citizens in my riding loud and clear on what they think of the HST. I strongly believe that members of government need to take the tax bill out of Toronto and give Ontarians a chance to comment.
Again, the issue is not so much about the issue at hand—the HST, which of course, eventually went through—but the opportunity to actually raise awareness and make something happen.
What we've seen here is a bit of context from the provincial standpoint, which is again a more regimented context from the federal standpoint. It brings us back to the discussion at hand. We're talking about the Standing Orders and our procedures in the House and we're looking at them from a variety of different standpoints. The naming convention, or the opportunity to name an MP, is still on the books, but it's not being used and it hasn't been used since 2002. I think we can all think of times when there's been no doubt that a Speaker could have applied the naming convention, whether it was the current Speaker or former Speakers. We've now gone through a period of three separate Speakers, Mr. Speaker Milliken, Mr. Speaker Scheer, and Mr. Speaker Regan, who have all had the opportunity to use this tool, but they haven't.
Why haven't they? It's in the Standing Orders. It's a significant tool, but this raises the question of whether it has simply fallen into a practice or a convention of misuse. That's what I would argue is happening and it shows the way in which our Standing Orders evolve, often without a conscious effort and often without MPs actively debating and amending them.
I would cite David Docherty on some of this. He has written a book, Legislatures, for the University of British Columbia Press series on the democratic audit. He wrote that evaluating a Speaker's success depends largely "on whom any decision favours”.
I find that interesting because a Speaker who is shown to be too favourable to one side or the other will quickly lose authority. Therefore, when we're evaluating these different tools that are being used, we have to see how they're implemented, how they're used by different Speakers, and whether they're used in a positive or a negative way. Some of the challenges with a standing order provide more full challenges as well.
Earlier today in the House, we debated the challenge of two MPs who missed a vote in the House of Commons about whether their privileges should be affected.
If we bring that back to our Standing Orders, and to this particular one, if an MP is ordered withdrawn from the House, their privileges cannot be exercised. An MP cannot vote after being removed from the House of Commons.
Therefore, we think of examples in minority parliaments where this could be abused, potentially, in terms of having an MP removed from the House in the wake of a very significant vote, a confidence vote, for example. It could be a significant challenge to the proper operation of the House but also to the privileges of individual MPs.
Being in Standing Orders, it would be a tough argument to make from a privilege standpoint but at the same time from a political standpoint and from that of a member. It's a challenging thing, and it could also be an example of why some of this doesn't necessarily happen from time to time.
When we look at the other tools available to Speakers, they may find those opportunities more useful. For example, Mr. Speaker Milliken, who to date is Canada's longest-serving Speaker, had a unique opportunity to serve as Speaker in minority and majority contexts as well as in an opposition context as an opposition MP serving as a Speaker.
When an MP refused to withdraw an unparliamentary comment, he failed to recognize him or her going forward. When an MP would rise to speak, whether it was in question period or debate, he simply didn't recognize the MP. Again, a pretty significant deterrent, I would say, especially when MPs are eager to stand up in question period to make things happen.
Mr. Speaker Fraser, in the Mulroney years, used it only once. His argument was that he saw it as a challenge of allowing MPs to grandstand in the hope of gaining publicity. We've seen that throughout the years, and we're seeing this example going forward.
The final point I might make on this as well is that when we're looking at the specific issues in this case, it all had to deal with unparliamentary language. This was then dealt with...the authority of the chair and disregarding the authority of the chair.
The subject of decorum is much greater than simply unparliamentary language and whether or not some of these tools available for parliamentarians and the Speaker wouldn't serve an alternate purpose in decreasing decorum in the House of Commons.
I would also point out, before moving on, that in every case the Speaker never acts unilaterally. He or she—and, again, they were male Speakers—always gives the opportunity to withdraw. I think that's an important concept from a parliamentary democracy. We are all equals in the House of Commons. We are all elected independently, and we all make mistakes. It is important to provide the MP in question, if they have offended the rules of the House, offended the individuals in question, the opportunity to withdraw.
Going forward, I wouldn't want to speculate whether Mr. Speaker Regan will ever go down the road of using this tool. I think it's still on the Standing Orders, or it's something that would allow them to go that route if the decision is made.
I want to work through that specific issue because it's an example of a standing order that has evolved over the 149, almost 150, years of Confederation. It's evolved in written form in terms of the way it's structured; it's evolved in the usage in how it's applied; and it's evolved in the disuse in most recent years. It's an example that we need to be aware of when we're studying the issue at hand in that we don't go about changing standing orders without properly reviewing all the context, without properly viewing all the challenges that could be created in a change to a standing order.
I'm going to move from this point to another issue I have a personal interest in, and that's the election of the Speaker, which, again, is laid out in our Standing Orders.
It's been cited before by Mr. Blaikie and others coming out of the McGrath report. Even before that, I believe, a former Speaker actually recommended it in the 1970s, as well. His name escapes me at this point, but I wanted to cite a bit from an article.