I don't imagine you'd have much sympathy for that, Mr. Schmale. Maybe they need to call someone else. I don't know.
Anyway, at the end of the day, I guess one would hope for, at some point, the sincerity from them that I hear from the members on the other side of this committee. We've seen and witnessed in action in the committee the way they like to function. We know that's the way they operate.
The conversation and the chatter that I hear in the hallways around here from other Liberal backbencher MPs suggests that they're pretty frustrated as well with the approach this government has taken. I've heard the chatter in the hallways. I've heard them complaining about the Prime Minister's Office and asking why the heck they don't have a conversation with the opposition. Why don't they try to work this out? Why don't the House leaders have a conversation? We hear all of that.
I wish that government House leader and the Prime Minister would listen to the Liberal MPs who are saying this; the ones I know do feel that way. I wish they would listen, because we could have a conversation. We could move forward and have discussions about the Standing Orders. I think it's an important exercise, and it happens in just about every Parliament that we have a look at the Standing Orders. In the discussion paper, there are some things that are worth having a discussion about. I can get back to the substance in a second, because there are some things I have concerns with, too, no question, but there are also some things that we could certainly have a discussion about.
I guess one would wish that maybe some of the members on this committee who are reasonable.... I think they want to try to move forward. If one of those people were in the government House leader's position, for example, or were Prime Minister, maybe we'd have someone who was trustworthy and capable of having that discussion, and we could do that. Right now, I don't feel that those positions in this country are filled by people who are willing to really live up to their words and actions and capable of actually performing the job that's needed. That would allow us to move forward.
I was told last night—I was out of the room for a bit—that the government House leader came by. I understand that she brought some birthday cake for members and there were a lot of smiles. That's all wonderful. I think everyone felt great about that, from what I hear, but what didn't happen, from my understanding, was a discussion, and that's the very thing that we hear over and over again in question period and elsewhere. The government House leader says “we want to have a conversation, we want to have a discussion”, but that didn't occur.
I suspect that it was probably the last time she came here that we said, okay, let's have a discussion. As opposition members, we raised some very substantive ideas on how we could move forward and were met with, “Well, let's have a discussion.” We said that we were trying to have one right then, but discussions can't be one-sided. There has to be some give-and-take. That means the other side has to want to participate beyond talking points and platitudes. That's one thing this government—the Prime Minister and others—is really good at: talking points and platitudes. They're good at that. I'll give them that, but that's about it.
That's why we are where we are. If they would just say, look, let's have a conversation, a discussion, and mean it and actually do it, we could probably figure out a way to arrive at some consensus. Maybe we could get this amendment passed, because at the end of the day, if there were anything else to this besides the government wanting to ram through whatever it wants to do and whatever its changes are, they would agree to that. There's no reason not to. We've heard them say, well, the opposition can block us from putting in our election promises. No one believes that, because these things in this discussion paper were not in their election promises.
Here's what I wanted to speak about. I spoke to it last night, but it was late, about 10:30 p.m., and I'm not going to fool myself and pretend there are millions of Canadians watching right now this morning, but there are probably more than were watching at 10:30 last night. There are a few more who would be watching now. I think there's something that's worth reminding us about, and it's this discussion about the Fridays.
For the Fridays, the current claim is different from what they've tried before. They've tried two or three different ways to get these Fridays. For some reason, they really want to get rid of the Fridays. They don't want to have Parliament sit on Fridays. I've heard it described in a lot of different ways, such as shutting out the lights in Parliament on Fridays. I've heard it described as taking a day off on Fridays.
We got into that a bit last night. I'm not going to say that anyone wants to have Fridays off so they can sit at home and watch TV and eat bonbons. I would agree that I don't think that's anyone's intention. I think people would be in their constituencies working or doing other things, but it's one day less each week that Parliament would be sitting, one day less that there would be a question period, and one day less that there would be private members' business.
I understand there have been arguments made to add hours to other days. As a set-aside for the moment, I'm personally not sure that works. I think that eliminates some flexibility for MPs. I think it makes it difficult. For example, if you were to start earlier to replace those days, if you had to start an hour and a half earlier, say, which would be about what you'd have to do to replace the Fridays, you'd be starting at 8:30. We all know that there are a lot of things that go on.... Actually, it might be even earlier, because we wouldn't be able to start earlier on Wednesday; it might even be eight o'clock.
Whatever it is—for the sake of argument we'll say 8:30, because it doesn't really matter—we know what happens before the House sits in the morning. That's the time when people do their preparatory work. If there are people who want to meet with you, say, and you're on House duty that day, that's the time when you can do that. That's the time when there may be a breakfast meeting.
For example, I wasn't able to be here for the first bit of the meeting yesterday. I had a group that was in Ottawa. They're people from all over Canada. You don't get that opportunity every day. I've been working on an issue with them, and they wanted me to speak to them at their breakfast. That was an opportunity to do that.
What you would do is that you essentially almost would take those opportunities away, because you would make it so that they would have to happen at 6 a.m. or whatever. That starts to become a little bit.... These things often start at 7:30, and that's a reasonable time, but 6 a.m. starts to become unreasonable.
There's the other thing you could do. You could talk about lengthening the day. You could add an hour and a half or two hours at the end of the day, and then it's 8 o'clock or 8:30, if there are no votes, before Parliament finishes for the night. I know that for some of us.... I think this was raised last night. I think Mr. Johns from the NDP raised it. He had a good point. It's what I often do as well as an MP from out west. There's a two-hour time difference. At 6:30 or 7 o'clock, the House wraps up.