I know. That's what this has become.
Well, as I said about private members' bills, we've had private members' bills on the Standing Orders before. Perhaps I would have been one of the members standing up in the House and voting for those private members' bills in the past. Everything is situational when you're there in the moment and depends on what feedback you're getting. Those were not passed unanimously. I don't think all the good things we do in the House are always passed unanimously.
An interesting thing, sitting on the electoral reform committee, with the words “unanimous” and “consensus”, there are such good feelings around the word “consensus”.
I thought, when we went to Iqaluit, that we were going to learn a lot from them and their territorial government about their consensus model and their approach. I thought I was going to hear such wonderful things about how we can improve our Parliament at the federal level based on what they have learned from their legislative assembly.
We had territorial representatives come before the electoral reform committee, and they surprised me as to what their testimony was. Guess what it was. They did not like their consensus approach to government. They wanted reform. They wanted to move to a majoritarian system because they felt they did not accomplish much, and through their term, they could not achieve most of the things on their platform, if even a small percentage of them. They were constantly going back, term after term, not having achieved much, not having moved the needle a whole lot. They hadn't progressed in the areas that the citizens of Nunavut want to see progress in.
That was a very good lesson for me. A lot of times I hear those words, and probably before that testimony I would have thought, as I did that very day, “This is going to be great. We're going to learn so much from these guys. They're so much wiser than we are.”
That's what I learned. That's what I took away from that. It was very different testimony from what we had in other areas where people didn't have those types of models. They had an ideology of a model like that, how it would work, and how great it would be, but that's not how it worked in practicality.
My worry is that we may lock ourselves into something and not achieve anything, not even move that needle at all. That's what we did with the interim report we had earlier on in this committee on modernizing Parliament and making it more family-friendly.
It was a long title. I can't remember the whole thing, because we couldn't decide on the title. Our title was 10 words long because we couldn't decide. At that time, we had decided that we were going to approach....
There was no uproar on this committee that we were not going to engage in that study or talk about these issues unless up front we had it written in stone that every recommendation out of this committee had to be one that was unanimous. That was never, ever agreed to, but once we started the study, all of the permanent members of this committee decided that, just as we are doing with the Chief Electoral Officer's report, we would talk about the easy stuff and get through it.
We had a lot of witnesses come before us. There were some things we couldn't agree on, so we said, “Let's put out an interim report, and let's put out the things that we do agree on.” It turns out the things that people were willing to agree on—and I say, “willing to agree on” because I don't know if deep down in their hearts they.... I think a lot of them did agree on some of those things, but they had to take them back to others to see what their thoughts were on the issues, and whether they could agree or not was not the issue.
A lot of people behind closed doors sometimes say, “I can agree on it, and most of the party wants this change, but we don't want to be the face of this change. We don't want to wear this change. You put through this change and you wear it. We'll be happy to have all the wonderful changes that come about, and they will serve us better as parliamentarians, across all party lines.” I hear that. I hear that in the hallways from people of all parties.
That's where I'm coming from. I don't want another watered-down report that does nothing. We'll spend months on end talking about great ideas, and then put our name to nothing at the end.
That, I think, will be a great learning experience for all of us who will be sitting around this committee table. Boy, we'll definitely know how to make Parliament function better, but will we do it? We probably won't.