Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you to the members of the committee who have been sitting and having this discussion. Really, that's what it is.
I sat through last week's, a few nights and a few days. I thought the debate was healthy. I thought it was good. I was pleasantly surprised at the give-and-take, the feedback, and the dialogue that went back and forth. I think that's what I said that night. That's what Canadians expect to see from their parliamentarians.
There's been a lot of talk over the last week about parliamentary privilege and freedom of speech. I will start off by saying, Mr. Chair, and to all of the members on the committee, that I am not a procedure or a policy nerd. There is nothing wrong with that. I will defer to all of my colleagues that have spent the time to go through O'Brien and Bosc in every detail. Moreover, I'd like to speak from the heart. I think that is very important.
There are things in here that I want to mention. Forgive me, Mr. Chair, if it's been said before, but I want to bring up a couple of things.
Under parliamentary privilege we have freedom of speech, freedom from arrest in civil actions, exemption from jury duty, and there are more privileges listed on page 61 of O'Brien and Bosc, in chapter 3, “Privileges and Immunities”. Again there are people who can debate this far better than I can. I want to make mention of this because I think we lose sight of this over the course of our service to our communities and our country. I was looking at a document earlier which was talking about parliamentary privilege. Parliamentary privilege means the privileged few. The reality is, though, that parliamentary privilege specifically with freedom of speech is described as this:
The privileges of the Commons are designed to safeguard the rights of each and every elector. For example, the privilege of freedom of speech is secured to the Members not for their personal benefit, but to enable them to discharge their functions of representing their constituents without fear of civil or criminal prosecution.
Further on it says, “When a constituency has returned a candidate, it is the electors' right that this chosen representative”—that he or she has the privilege—“should be protected from any kind of improper pressure....”
The privilege essentially belongs to the House as a whole. With respect to the House as a whole, on page 27 of O'Brien and Bosc, the House is defined as the “House of Commons, or lower house, is the elected assembly of the Parliament of Canada”. Going back to that, we are elected. The 338 members of Parliament are elected to be the voices of Canadians. Far be it from us that we know it all.
I appreciate that we have new members of Parliament who are here and think that they know best, but I'm going to tell you this, Mr. Chair. I've only been here for 18 months. I think that's what it is. October 19, 2015 is when I was elected. Far be it from me to tell others how we're going to do things differently or better.
This whole thing goes back to trust.
I will differ from our colleague, Ms. Sahota, who said the reason we're here involves the whole thing about consensus, that we can't get consensus to get something through and are retaliating. That is something that was mentioned earlier. I'll talk to it soon.
I throw this out, as I think I did the other night. The real issue surrounding where we are today and tonight and all the other measures that have been going on over the last three weeks are about trust, plain and simple, and trust has been broken. I think trust has been broken between opposition and our government and the government and the people. I'll go on to describe at length how that happens.
I'm not going to make quotations such as some of our colleagues who are more well-read and more learned than I am have done. I'm going to start off with a quotation that some of you may know.
I have four kids. Hopefully they're not listening to this debate. All of them are in their twenties. We have Jordan, Joshua, Kaitlyn, and Kassi. I don't have any grandkids as yet, and while I'm not prepared to be called a grandfather, I am prepared to be a grandfather.
I've listened to many of the things that are being said over the last while, and it brings me back to this quotation: “Today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered.” Who said that? It was Dr. Seuss, in one of the great books and as one of the great people who are out there who have impacted people's lives in all walks of life. I think there are common quotations and common things that we can learn from the simplest of places—you know, sometimes the words, “out of the mouths of babes”....
I'm reminded of this, because I think we should all always remember—and I'm just as guilty as others—first, why we are here, and second, whom we are here to represent. If we use those as our guiding principles, we will do no wrong.
I'm going to start by going into some of the comments that our colleague Ms. Sahota made. I think she made some valid points, but I think there are things that should be said. I mentioned that we're not here so much on the issue of consensus, that the issue is trust. Trust starts with us right here, rebuilding trust.
I'm going to throw this right back at you as a great example. The other night, last week, we were here until the wee hours, and over and over again, I believe you said that the buses would be waiting for us. Well, Mr. Chair, I'm here to tell you that the buses weren't waiting for us when we got out there. I'm not blaming you for that at all; I'm just saying—