I have a few books here I could maybe begin with.
I want to reference the ninth edition of Congressional Procedures and the Policy Process, written by Walter J. Oleszek. It is an American congressional procedures book that people who take university courses on congressional procedures of both the Senate and the House of Representatives in the United States are forced to read.
It goes through all the details of such things as committee mark-up procedures, which are very similar to our committee report-writing stage; how to bypass committees; the committee chair's role; committee hearings; and the scheduling of legislation in the House. There are many examples in here. There are sections on privileged legislation and minor non-controversial measures. There are examples on the amending process on the floor of the Senate, and on a lot of procedures like committee of the whole, which is very similar to our own. This is a book that is considered to be fundamental to read when you manage procedural process in the Senate and in the House of Representatives.
I bring it up because every time we discuss the Standing Orders, reference is made to Congress, to the United Kingdom, and to other legislatures and how they function. With a study as short as the one proposed in this motion, I don't feel you would have the opportunity to get the full contribution of enough witnesses from the United States, potentially, or to travel there to consider their process to pass laws.
We've all heard about the gridlock in Congress and about how slow their legislative process can be. I don't think it's necessarily true. You've seen in the past that they've passed massive pieces of legislation, and pretty important ones too, like the Affordable Care Act, which made substantive changes, and they used these procedures.
I want to focus a bit on unanimous consent agreements, because we use unanimous consent to get around the rules when we need to when we've consulted with each other and we're agreeing to co-operate. I bring it up as well because unanimously agreeing to change the rules sounds a lot like unanimous consent agreements. If the Senate strictly observed every rule, it would become mired in a bog of parliamentary complications.
We on this side—and the government caucus does this as well—when we have been able to find common ground to expedite a bill or find common ground to pass a motion recognizing a day, a place, a person, or a particular situation, we have done so. We've found the ability to seek agreement, which is why it's so surprising to me that we can't find agreement on this very reasonable amendment.
Senator Tom Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, informed the other 99 senators that he would object to any attempt to pass by unanimous consent a measure to increase the debt ceiling. If one member of their Senate can slow things right down so that it cannot pass a particular measure, that sounds like a very inefficient way of doing things.
Majority leader George Mitchell, a Democrat from Maine for six years, said:
I regularly propound unanimous-consent requests on the floor and...when Senators object we hear within seconds—within seconds. Frequently when I am in the middle of a sentence, the phone rings and staff comes running out to say, “Senator so and so objects.”
They actually negotiate them back and forth on the floor, and actually cobble them together as they go, in the debates of the Senate.
That happens here, too. We have an open call, “Does anybody object to a unanimous consent motion?” and typically a member within earshot of the Speaker will say, “I object” or “No, I don't want to proceed with that”.
I don't think, though, that they think that their system is wholly inefficient. There are obviously members of the Senate who continue to do it this way because they think it produces results at some point.
This book says:
Unanimous consent agreements are often the product of intensive and extensive negotiations....
They actually draft written agreements that are then tabled with the Senate. They're at the table, and any senator can go to review them. This is once they have actually reached agreement on them.
I don't know why we can't make amendments to the Standing Orders using the same or similar inspiration from this procedural method. We can find common ground. I'm sure that we can if only we can have a very clear list of what the government caucus or the government intended by the changes it has proposed here.
I also use the example because programming is referenced, and programming happens a lot in the House of Representatives.
In here, one senator guesses that in the course of a typical week, they would probably enter into anywhere from literally 10 to 200 unanimous consent agreements, with 100 senators agreeing to them.
Including you, Mr. Chair, there are 12 of us. I'm sure we could come to some type of agreement, but we would like it to start with this motion right here, to find agreement on this motion. If 100 senators can write complex agreements and then table them before the Senate to deal expeditiously with an issue to find that efficiency that they're looking for, I think we can too.
These complex unanimous consent agreements are like our unanimous agreements that we seek. Some of them can be very long. The broad purpose is to impose time limits on debate, which is partly the proposal for programming in here for committees, and to expedite the scheduling of the Senate's workload.
There's talk of the parliamentary sessional calendar and of establishing predictability and permitting flexibility.
The predictability they're talking about is for the majority leaders. They want predictability. A piece of legislation will come in, at some point go out, and be moved to the House of Representatives. Again, there is no government line to defend. It's 100 independent, freethinking senators who generally agree with each other but who can also dissent.
They also have whips to rely on. There are general features to these agreements. They're negotiated contracts, basically, and accepted by all of them. They're comprehensive or partial. They vary. They waive points of order, and they may require the relevancy of amendments, so they eliminate the possibility for some of them to produce amendments.
These are all things a committee can do today. A committee can go into one of these, to take an example from here, and agree that they will not accept points of order. When committees travel, I have seen motions passed, before the travel is accepted, that during a committee meeting there shall be no dilatory motions or motions that would make it impossible for the committee to do its work.
I served briefly on the OGGO committee. I travelled with them to Atlantic Canada, including Newfoundland and Labrador, although we actually were unable to go to Labrador, and we passed those motions by unanimous agreement. Everyone agreed. Nobody wanted to shut down the committee while it was travelling, because we wanted to consider the witnesses and hear from them and get their feedback.
How would it help us to have rules set upon us that so that when we travelled, these rules would follow us? Has that been considered? Has anybody considered whether or not there will be exceptions to the rules when we're outside of the precinct? Will there be exceptions to how those function?
Now, all of these unanimous consent agreements are filed or recorded with the Congressional Record, the daily calendar of business, and the Senate journal, so no senator can ever miss it. A congressional scholar wrote that “A dozen or more complex agreements are no longer uncommon for complicated contentious measures.”
As I mentioned before, why don't we look at all the unanimous agreements we reach right now, at committees and in the House of Commons, to find opportunities to amend the Standing Orders based on the idea that since we're agreeing to these things quite often, why can't we just make them part of the Standing Orders? I think that would be a nice starting point. Plus, because we've agreed to them in the past, I think we would find agreement with them in the present—within this Parliament, I am sure.
Here I want to paraphrase a knowledgeable Senate aide whom Mr. Walter Oleszek references with regard to these consent agreements. There's increasingly a leaning toward the comprehensive rather than the incremental. Comprehensive unanimous consent agreements are now used to manage the decision-making process on the Senate floor “to an unprecedented degree”.
On the idea of “comprehensive” versus “incremental”, we can't tell, as members of the opposition, whether the government is proposing comprehensive changes to the Standing Orders—and we're supposed to accept, on faith, that they will respect us as part of the parliamentary proceedings—or whether they are proposing incremental changes. We don't know, and the few things that we do know, we don't trust. There's a lack of trust right now. We just don't know. That's why we cannot proceed with this.
I'll move on to a different chapter. It starts on page 260 of the procedural manual. We can compare the House and Senate now—the House of Representatives is referenced in here—and programming. I want to reference this for programming. I have the charts here on the differences between the two. Those I've mentioned I will not repeat.
They do have a more expeditious floor debate in the House of Representatives. They do. Because they have programming, it goes much more quickly.
Power is less evenly distributed—and they admit to that—between the majority and the minority. The majority holds all the cards.
There's a “strict germaneness” requirement—as for my pronunciation there, that's probably my third-language English at work—for floor amendments. This strict germaneness requirement for floor amendments means very strict rules on what a member can propose and cannot propose. They are far more partisan, partly because of the programming. It creates an environment where there are very few opportunities to make a point of debate.
I'm worried that these changes will lead to more partisanship at committee and on the floor of the House. I think we have enough of it. I think it's at a sufficient level. Sometimes it exceeds the need that is required, I think, but that's on us as parliamentarians.
They have very strict limits on debate in the House of Representatives. We have limits on debate here, but we can speak at every single reading of the bill. I have taken advantage of that opportunity, especially on the budget bill. On the last budget bill, I spoke at every single stage where I was allowed to do so. I remember getting ready to speak again on a free trade bill one time and being told by our lobby and the clerk that I had already spoken on it. I had spoken so much on the free trade bill that I was about to speak again when I wasn't supposed to.
The Senate and Congress have unlimited debate on nearly every single measure, which was the state of affairs in the House of Commons before now. With programming, you can see that the House has had its influence drastically reduced in what it can and cannot accomplish. They adhere very closely.... They have a rules committee. All it does is consider the rules. They negotiate these agreements to try to set the bar for all members of the House of Representatives, and there are 435 of them. It's a larger House than we have now. We may get there someday, and there may no longer be space in the House of Commons for everybody to be there. Maybe some of us will have to sit on the floor, quite literally, in order to be present.
I mentioned that the power is less evenly distributed. That uneven distribution comes at the expense of those who are opposed to the measure being presented on the floor. I don't think that's a model we want to adopt. As stated:
...the 113th Senate's rules, standing orders, resolutions, and laws affecting the business of the chamber are contained in over 1,400 pages and its precedents in one 1,608-page volume.
The Senate in the United States maximizes freedom of expression, quite literally. The House rules “show a constant subordination of the individual to the necessities of the whole House as the voice of the national will”, because it changes every two years.
The House of Commons is the voice of our national will as parliamentarians, so we shouldn't necessarily be taking direction from the government on reforming the Standing Orders of the House of Commons. As I mentioned, this is like the executive team telling the board of directors what to do.
If we're going to proceed on the contents of this and the Debates of October 6, 2016, then we must have the assurance on our side that we do not finish like the House of Representatives, where the individual is subordinated to the common group. It would be a big problem for parliamentarians on all sides if that happened, and if we were to copy programming the way it's proposed there.
I think the study length is too short. I think programming should be studied over a longer period of time, because it's such a substantive change to how we function right now, especially if the committees are changed as well. In terms of changing all these successive things, it's simply impossible to know what all the unforeseen problems will be, in circumstances we haven't thought of, with new events that happen.
I've mentioned this dual-track method. I want to expound on it just a bit to explain what it is. It's “programming lite”, as I would call it. As stated:
Formerly, senators could arrive in the midst of a debate on a banking bill, for example, obtain recognition from the chair, and launch into a lengthy discussion of the wheat harvest prospects. Today, complex agreements and the track system prevent that from happening. Now, senators generally know what measure will be considered on a specific day and at what time, when they are scheduled to speak on that bill, and how long they will have the floor.
They've already done some of this through those consent agreements, but they all unanimously accede to it. They say yes to it ahead of time, so if any single member has a problem with it, which is exactly this amendment, this would make us equivalent.
The government uses the House of Representatives as an example, but the example they should be using is the U.S. Senate. We are much more like the U.S. Senate than we are like the House of Representatives, because we have more similar terms. They sit for six years; we sit for four years. We should be more individual. We are more individual. We are trying to seek that unanimous agreement on things just like those senators are.
When they choose to, they can temporarily surrender certain rules, certain powers that protect their privilege. As I said, the Standing Orders protect our privileges and rights as members, but we can choose to temporarily suspend those in the name of passing a bill, agreeing to a certain formulation of debate because there's an urgent matter or an emergency or whatever it is that we're taken with. However, we should do it by unanimous agreement, just as the Senate does.
I find it interesting that the government would choose the House of Representatives, knowing that we're not like the House. We are much more like the U.S. Senate. I think that's a much closer example to how it should be.
There's talk of scheduling in here, and I want to raise this point on the House calendar about potentially moving things around. The very first sentence makes a reference to “a more efficient week”. I don't quite know what a more efficient week could possibly be. We have ample time for debate. We have a caucus on Wednesday. They're really talking about Fridays. That's really the talk: it is to move Fridays and go to a four-day work week. I know Mr. Simms has said the opposite, that it's not necessarily so, potentially a full day, but how would this work?
I think there are other changes you could do to make the House calendar more efficient, and they do very similar things in the United States Congress. They have scheduling procedures, and there's a table shown on page 272 of their procedural book, table 613, a comparison of the House Special Rule and Senate Unanimous Consent Agreement. In general, this is what they're...and I will not read the whole thing. There are just a few I want to pick out to make a point. They are formulated on the House side by the rules committee in public session.
The exact meeting we're having here is where they would seek that consent among the members on the rules committee. Typically, very senior members of either party would cobble together an agreement on how to proceed. It permits or prohibits amendments. It specifies time for general debate. The effect is to waive the House rules, and it doesn't specify date and exact time for vote on final passage, so I think this is a very important thing.
Even though they have the ability to constrain members, to tell them they will vote at a very specific time on a very specific day on these measures whether they like it or not, they don't do that. They don't specify that. They don't go as far as to program everything down to the specific hour, saying they will have it passed by then. That slot machine idea I talked about—dumping in a piece of legislation and numbers churning and getting a piece out—is not necessarily the goal. They just want certainty here.
On the Senate side, again, the effect for these unanimous consent agreements is to waive Senate rules. The adoption is sometimes aimed towards prospective floor action. If somebody might want to raise an issue or a motion or a report or table something, it's agreed to by unanimous consent of senators. As I've mentioned, I believe we're much closer, and should be much closer, to how senators work in the United States.
It often restricts non-relevant amendments. I think it is reasonable to debate whether non-relevant amendments should be eliminated at certain stages of debate and procedure at committee. Sometimes I see amendments removing that from the beginning of a bill or removing the bill title. Some of those changes were brought in in previous Parliaments, again in the name of speeding things up and efficiency, but I think a great number of members agreed with it and those particular forms of amending motions were moved to other stages where they could be done in a different way.
Is it perfect? I'd say no, but it's good enough that it doesn't restrict my ability as a member to propose an amendment at committee. In the Senate, their unanimous consent agreements can set a date and an exact time for a vote on the final passage, which could include a 60-vote adoption requirement. Because they need unanimous consent, they can agree they will have a vote on this day, at this time, when all the senators who want to vote on it and want to be present can actually assure themselves of that fact, which is different from the House, where they don't do that. Again, it's that minimal amount of cordial respect as peers that they extend to each other.
That's enough on that chapter. I don't want to belabour the point on the schedule.
The legislative calendar that they have for the House and how they do their work and how it's regulated, the 24-hour day session they have, is quite similar to our own. If they choose to recess, the legislative day is carried over to the next calendar day. It's similar to the way Parliament can sit for as long as it so chooses. They can choose not to adjourn. Committees can choose not to adjourn and can continue. They can recess on to another day, and it becomes part of the legislative day. They do very many of the same things, but those many same things are on the Senate side, not on the House of Representatives side.
They have the same type of routine proceedings, and I see changes being proposed to routine proceedings here. They're just mentioned in brief, and I'm interested by some of them. I can see the wisdom of some of them, but I'd like to consider them more. I think they need more time, but we shouldn't change them without unanimous agreement.
As for moving the tabling of petitions earlier in those 15 minutes, it was in 1991 that they limited tabling of petitions, because what was happening was opposition members were accumulating petitions, as we all do, and were tabling them one after another. That was delaying other government business that needed to be done, so we've moved the tabling of petitions to an earlier point. I would be fine with it, because it's 15 minutes. It's a fixed amount of time that everybody knows about. We as members have petitions to table. I keep petitions in my constituency office and I co-operate with my local members of the legislative assembly, who keep petitions from me in their office. I've started to distribute them to my community associations, the residents associations, because in Calgary every community has its own residents association with its own building, and now they are hosting my petitions as well. It's a great way to work with the general managers of these community associations to distribute these petitions. I think it's a valuable way to have people's voices heard, because it compels the government to answer within 45 days. Typically, what I'm trying to do now is to have a petition and then have the response to the previous petition, so then constituents can pick it up. They don't have to drive to my office. They can go to the community association to get the response. I think that's an interesting thing that they have.
The U.S. Senate has the call to order, the prayer, the pledge of allegiance, the presiding officer they name in case the chair is not there, leader time, morning business, and new or unfinished business. It's pretty darn simple.
Under “new or unfinished business”, the majority leader might bring new business before the Senate through the use of two fundamental methods. One is unanimous consent. Otherwise, they make a motion to move up S-1 or S-2 or whatever it is, and then the Senate might resume consideration of unfinished business from the previous day. That's kind of the way they work.
We work in one-week blocks, which I think is a very efficient way of doing things right now, because I have some certainty. I know which bills are coming up next, and it also gives me an idea of what the government would like to see passed, what the government agenda is this week. I go week to week.
I know during caucus meetings there's something we all do. Our House leaders do it, and I'm hoping on the government caucus side they do this too. They show you what the intention is in terms of debating the legislation before the House and outline what will we do.
In the U.S. system they've also amended filibustering on measures that were not critical. It used to be the rule.... In 1986 the Senate had to amend the rules that permitted a non-debatable motion for the journal's approval from the previous day. It was as though every single day we would have to approve the Hansard of the previous day. It's like being at a non-political corporation board meeting when somebody disagrees with the minutes, and then the meeting is held up because someone disagrees with the contents of the minutes. I've actually seen this happen at an general meeting of a professional association when somebody disagreed with the minutes and it delayed the meeting.
They amended it and removed that filibuster tool. Then they proceeded to eliminate it everywhere, and this was obviously by unanimous consent. All the senators there agreed to stop doing that by unanimous agreement. All of them together said they should probably stop doing that, because it was a bit ridiculous, perhaps, or maybe it was being abused as time went on. Potentially the rule might have made sense 100 years ago or 200 years ago in their case, because the minutes might have been written with some type of felt or ink and it would probably be hard to read sometimes.