Certainly. There are a variety of other areas within the whole sustainable development area, whether they are with respect to solid waste, waste water, potable water, the natural environment, or wildlife preservation. There are a tremendous number of environmental activities. How is this going to tie in, as well, with new alternative and renewable energy sources and with new ways of doing business? And what aspects can we involve the aboriginal people in?
I'll give you an example. We had open discussions with the National Energy Board. In looking at the north, there is discussion of potential drilling in the Beaufort Sea and all across northern Canada. We know, indeed, that there's a potential for spills. Why not create expertise within the indigenous community to deal with oil spills. They could become the experts in that particular area. They live there. They would be there to respond. They could create that niche market, as the Mohawk have done in high steel or as a variety of other organizations have done in Canada. Safety Boss, in Alberta, has done it with oil-well firefighting.
There is the ability to create that expertise, I believe, within relatively rural remote communities. They may have to go to other places to do that work, but their homes will still be in their homeland. And they'll go home to that, as they do in these other communities.
I believe there is going to be tremendous opportunity.